
Free Wrecked by Cat Johnson

Book: Wrecked by Cat Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Johnson
her way back . . .
    It had all proven to be quite an unexpected pleasure and he wasn’t finished yet.
    He wasn’t about to risk getting interrupted by taking too long. Wade pushed himself to completion, pounding into CeCe fast and hard before he got screwed out of finishing.
    The power of the blessed release when it came made him weak in the knees. Panting, he eased her feet back down to the floor. She stood with her palms and back pressed against the back wall, breathing heavily.
    “Now, we can go.” He zipped his jeans quick and then spun to the panel of buttons and punched the number for his floor.
    The doors swished open immediately since the elevator hadn’t moved since arriving. Though Wade wasn’t sure he’d have noticed if it had moved. He bent to grab his bag on the floor and noticed CeCe looking a bit shell shocked as she pushed her skirt back into place.
    She hadn’t seen anything yet. Wait until he had her in private and in a bed. Then she’d get a real taste of what it was like to be with him.
    Lovin’ in an elevator had been fun, but he owed CeCe an orgasm, or three given how incredible that experience had been. Wade always paid his debts.

    “Good morning, beautiful.”
    Morning? It couldn’t possibly be morning. It felt as if she’d just fallen asleep.
      CeCe groaned. “What time is it?”
    “Early.” He flung one arm over her and pulled her against him.
    “Then why are you awake?” She realized it was a silly question the moment she asked it.
    As Wade pressed close behind her, she felt very clearly the long hard reason he was awake.
    She cracked one eye open and saw the glow of sunlight filtering through the hotel room curtains. At least he’d waited until after dawn to bother her.
    “You’re insatiable.”
    “So you keep saying, but I don’t hear any complaints so . . .” He groaned as he ran his palm down her bare leg and then moved his hand between her thighs.
    The truth was, she wasn’t complaining. It had been a long time since a man had been unable to keep his hands off her.
    Even as she felt the soreness in parts of her body John had long neglected during the last years of her marriage, she knew she wouldn’t try to stop Wade. Not seriously, anyway.
    After a moment of movement and rustling behind her, Wade was back, pressing his length between her legs.
    CeCe shook her head on the pillow. “I can’t believe you’re not out of condoms yet.”
    “Nope. Buy them in bulk.”
    “Lovely. That makes me feel really special. Thanks.” CeCe scowled.
    “You are special.” With one well-placed thrust, he was inside her, as if that would prove his point.
    She hissed in a breath as the sheer number of times they’d had sex over the past twelve hours caught up with her.
    “You okay?”
    “I’m a little sore.” She heard his chuckle and her spine stiffened. “It’s not funny, Wade.”
    “No, it’s not funny. But forgive me if my male pride enjoys it just a tad, okay?” He stroked into her, but more gently than before. “Maybe I can distract you.”
    Wade’s idea of a distraction was a multi-front assault on CeCe’s senses. As he drew the lobe of her ear between his teeth, he found her clit with the fingers of one hand. His other hand he slid beneath her and pulling her close he cupped her breast.
    One pinch of her nipple between his fingers sent a shockwave of desire shooting through her.
    The warmth of his hard body behind her, being encased in his arms as he loved her slowly and gently, was a tantalizing combination. She closed her eyes and let out an open-mouthed breath tinged with a moan.
    Wade echoed the sound behind her. “Better?”
    “Maybe.” Her breath caught in her throat and she thrust her hips forward, seeking more as his fingers between her legs pressed harder.
    “Liar.” There was the sound of a smile in his voice.
    A few well-angled strokes hit a spot inside her that had her body tightening, building toward release.
    “Shut up, Wade.”

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