The Rancher
when she tried to look away, he
reached out and took hold of her chin. "I'm not asking for much,
Laurel, just a chance to get to know you better. That's all."
    "I distinctly remember you
mentioning marriage."
    His smile widened. Marriage was
what he wanted. "What's so wrong with that?"
    "I could name half a dozen
things but I'll spare you. I can't give you what you want, Holden.
I can be your friend if you wish but that's all."
    Disappointment settled like a
rock in his gut. "Why?"
    She opened her mouth as if to
answer but shut it and turned her head.
    "I don't need a man in my life
nor do I want one. Ever." She turned back to face him, her eyes
taking on a slight glassy look. "I'm sorry, Holden, but I can't
give you anything other than what you already have."
    She stood and left him sitting
there under the shade trees with more questions than he had
answers. His thoughts of courting her all proper like, shriveled in
an instant. He blew out a frustrated breath, bent one leg and
propped his arm on his knee, and stared at the water trickling by.
Something wasn't right where Laurel was concerned and her refusal
to be civil to people made that more apparent.
    The distant sound of thunder
made him to look up. Clouds were rolling in over the mountain and
the promise of rain was hard to ignore. He'd had plans to woo
Laurel under a Montana sky but it looked as if nature itself was
conspiring against him. Maybe it was a sign. Laurel apparently
didn't want anything to do with him so why did he even bother
    He turned to look over at her
where she sat with Abigail and Sarah. His pulse leaped again when
she turned those smoky eyes on him and he knew. He wanted her more
now than he did the night he first met her and he wouldn't stop
trying to win her over. Even if the approaching storm called off
the dance, and put an end to all his plans, he'd find a way to get
through to her. He'd waited too long to find her to let her go

Chapter Six
    "Where are you going all gussied
    Holden grinned at Alex and
dusted off his hat before placing it on his head. "Going into
    She gave him a long look from
head to toe before her eyes widened. "You ain't going to see those
ladies in the saloon are ya?" She crossed her arms over her chest
and lifted her chin. "You promised me you wouldn't ever go see
those hussies, pa, and I expect you to do as you say."
    Holden laughed and leaned down
to place a kiss on top of her head. "I'm not going to the saloon
and remind me to tell your Aunt Sarah not every woman in the saloon
is of ill repute."
    She snorted. "Aunt Sarah says
they jump on men the minute they walk in the door. That's why Uncle
Colt ain't allowed in there anymore."
    "Is that so?"
    "Yep. Aunt Sarah says no decent
man should be in there courting those type of women."
    "Well, you've nothing to worry
about. I have no intentions of courting those women." He left his
room and headed for the stairs, Alex hot on his heels.
    "Why you going into town all
dressed up then?" She gasped suddenly, her eyes widening again and
a horrified look crossed her face. "Pa, don't you dare go see
    He couldn't help but laugh. "See
    "That devil woman." She ran to
him, grabbed his arm, and made him stop walking. "She don't like
you, remember? She don't like anyone and going to talk to her will
just make you cranky like it always does. Stay home with me. We can
saddle my pony and your black and go for a ride."
    Holden smiled, peering down at
her before stooping to be eye level with her. "That sounds like a
fine idea." Her pleased smile nearly did him in. "But not
    She frowned then crossed her
arms over her chest again. Her defiant attitude was cute when she
was six. Now, it only spelled trouble for the future. As much as he
hated to admit it, Laurel was right where his daughter was
concerned. He couldn't let her continue to act

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