Remix (2010)

Free Remix (2010) by Lexi Revellian

Book: Remix (2010) by Lexi Revellian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexi Revellian
Tags: Lexi Revellian
    “Well, yes…else I’d be letting him in and out all the time.”
    The waitress materialized beside us, and put our plates on the table. She had to work round our arms. Cold rabbit brawn terrine for James, salmon smoked in the chef’s back garden for me. As soon as she had gone, he said,
    “Why don’t you come and stay with me? Just while he’s at your place.”
    “I can’t do that! What about my work? Anyway, I’ve agreed to talk to a few people for Ric. People he thinks could have done it. Er, can I have my hand back? I need it to eat.”
    James released me. “Are you mad? He’s got you going round interviewing suspects? ” The Russians’ eyes slewed our way, and he lowered his voice. “If Ric’s story is true, then what you are doing is the equivalent of poking a furnace with a short stick. He’s no business to let you do it.”
    “It’s all right, really,” I said uneasily. “I’m being careful.”
    James wouldn’t let the subject go. I suppose he hoped to convince me to shop Ric to the police. I told him about selling the horses, and it seemed only to confirm his low opinion of Ric. “You realize this man’s manipulating you? And you’ve fallen for it, you’re doing whatever he asks you to. I wondered what he was after when he turned up with that ridiculous bunch of flowers…”
    And so forth. I kept getting him off the topic, to find he’d returned to it. I wished I’d never told him, especially as the food was remarkable and he was putting me off. The main course I had was amazing.
    I tried again. “How’s Posy? I haven’t seen her for ages.”
    James fidgeted with his pudding spoon, watching the twirling reflection of the ceiling fan. “She’s fine. Hannah’s thinking of opening a shop in London, and she might get Posy to run it for her.” Posy’s boss Hannah was an old school friend of hers, who did interiors and had a small but flourishing shop in Cambridge selling furnishings.
    “Would she like that? She’d have to move to London.”
    “Yes, she’s quite keen,” said James.
    It occurred to me for the first time their relationship might be getting serious. I’d never thought that about any of James’s girlfriends before. Posy would probably move in with him if she came to London, and maybe that’s why she wanted to. Frankly, I found it depressing that most of my future meetings with James were likely to include Posy. I valued our friendship, enjoyed the private jokes that went back to our childhood, and the presence of a third person would spoil that. But there was nothing to be done. I would just have to get used to it; she was a nice girl, after all. I must not be selfish. Start now.
    “Why don’t you bring her with you Saturday week?”
    The nineteenth of July was James’s birthday, and James always comes round to my place for supper on his birthday. He’s been doing it since we were teenagers and he used to come to my mother’s house in Fulham; I can’t even remember how it started, but it’s become a tradition.
    “But we always celebrate my birthday just the two of us.”
    “That doesn’t mean we have to. Anyway, Ric’ll be there.”
    “I suppose. All right then, I know Posy would love to see your flat now it’s finished.”
    “We can have a proper dinner party, out on the roof if it’s fine.”

    I’d tethered my bike to a lamppost in Cowcross Street. James walked me there, and waited while I unlocked the chain and fixed the lights. I thanked him for the meal, and he exhorted me to be careful. He suggested I should wear a bike helmet. I suggested he should ride a bike and find out what it was like.
    I set off through streets crowded with the young, rich and chic. Almost no breeze, just the rush of air created by my speed. A perfect summer night. I could smell the flowers in Charterhouse Square. Carthusian Street, Goswell Road, and Old Street towards home.
    Ric opened the door as I was fishing for my keys. He carried the bike upstairs for me

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