A French Affair

Free A French Affair by Susan Lewis

Book: A French Affair by Susan Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Lewis
which reminded her that a decision still had to be taken on what they were going to do about a holiday. Were it left to her they’d return to the grape-picker’s cottage in France, but she knew Charlie would immediately veto that, and maybe revisiting the place Natalie had died wouldn’t be good for her either. She had a feeling it would make her feel closer to Natalie though, which was what she wanted more than anything. Also, if Lilian was able to take some time off, she’d be at the
, so they could spend some days together too. However, there was no point even fantasising about it, for she knew Nikki would be as reluctant as Charlie to go back to Valennes. In any case, now Nikki was almost eighteen and currently earning her own money, she might not want to go anywhere with them.
    Sighing to herself, Jessica dried her hands on a tea towel and reached for the phone as it rang. ‘Hello, Jessica Moore speaking,’ she said, tucking it under her chin as she started to make some fresh coffee.
    â€˜Jessica, hi. It’s Karina here. Karina Rutherford.’
    â€˜Oh yes, hi, how are you?’ Jessica responded, guessing already what the publishing director of one of the major houses was calling about.
    â€˜I’m fine. How are you? Is this a bad time?’
    â€˜Not at all. You want to know if I’ve managed to take a look at William Koby’s new book yet. I’m afraid I haven’t got round to it and I’m not sure I’ll be able to . . .’
    â€˜Please don’t worry. I’m sure you’re inundated with review requests – we count ourselves lucky when you take one on, but no, that’s not why I’m calling. Would you happen to be free for lunch sometime next week? I have a proposal to put to you that I think – hope – might interest you.’
    Intrigued, Jessica said, ‘Would you like to give me an idea of what it is? That way I can be thinking about it before we meet.’
    There was a wry note in Karina’s voice as she said, ‘I had a feeling you were going to say that. The trouble is, you might turn me down flat on the phone, whereas if we meet there’s a chance you’ll at least enter into a discussion.’
    Jessica’s eyebrows rose. ‘What if I say I promise not to turn you down on the phone?’ she replied.
    Karina took a moment. ‘Well,’ she began, drawing out the word, ‘I’d like to commission you to do a book.’
    â€˜Really?’ Jessica couldn’t help feeling flattered. ‘What about?’ But even as she asked the question she could feel her defences rising, for she was fairly certain now that she knew the answer.
    â€˜About Natalie, and how you’ve coped,’ Karina answered, confirming her suspicions. ‘Before you reject it completely,’ she went on quickly, ‘I want you to considerhow helpful it might be for other women in your position to hear from you at a time like this. It could provide them with enormous comfort and strength to learn how you’ve dealt with it . . .’
    â€˜Karina, I have to stop you there . . .’
    â€˜You promised not to turn me down on the phone.’
    Jessica’s eyes closed. ‘Listen, I’m really not dealing with it very well, and it’s still too early to be submerging myself in it all over again.’
    â€˜I understand, and you probably hate me for even bringing it up, but there’s no rush. We can publish in a year, even two years from now.’
    â€˜Karina, I’m sorry . . .’
    â€˜At least say you’ll come and have lunch.’
    Jessica sighed. She liked the woman, and it would be good to get out, so why not?
    â€˜Will Wednesday work for you?’
    Jessica nodded. ‘Wednesday’s fine.’
    â€˜I’ll email you time and location when I’ve made a reservation – unless you have a

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