Bake This! (A 300 Moons Novella)

Free Bake This! (A 300 Moons Novella) by Tasha Black

Book: Bake This! (A 300 Moons Novella) by Tasha Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tasha Black
    Tess kissed him back for all she was worth.
    He flipped her over, laying her in the soft felt snow, and began removing his clothes.
    The soft light showed off the dark ridges and hollows between the planes of his muscles. He was breathtaking, like a living statue.
    He bent to help her remove the overalls and flannel she was wearing, kneeling over her when it was done for a long moment, looking down at her.
    She didn’t fidget this time, she held herself still and proud.
    “You used your magic. Do you have to tell me the truth?” he asked.
    “Yes,” she told him.
    “When you look in the mirror, do you see how beautiful you are?” he asked, and she could see the tears in the corners of his eyes.
    “No,” she replied. “But I can see it when I look at you now.”
    “Good,” he told her gruffly.
    Then he was kissing her again, but the tenderness was quickly gone and she felt the rawness of his need.
    “Please, Will,” she whispered.
    But he had already dipped his head to feed on her breasts, lapping and tugging gently with his teeth until she cried out.
    “I need to be inside you, are you ready? Is this what you want?” he asked her, through clenched teeth.
    “Yes, please,” she whimpered.
    Then she felt the heat of his engorged head against her opening. He was so large, it seemed impossible that he could enter.
    Will slid a hand between them to massage her clitoris lightly.
    Tess arched her back with the intense pleasure and felt him slowly press inside her.
    She was full, so full she saw stars.
    Will held perfectly still.
    Then her own hunger had her lifting her hips to him, begging for movement.
    “Are you okay, baby?” he whispered in her ear.
    “Yes, but I need you so much. Please,” she whispered again.
    He groaned and began to move, slowly at first but faster when he felt her nails sink into his shoulder blades.
    The sensation was incredible, Tess clung to him, the man who knew her better than he had any right to, and who loved her anyway.
    She looked at him, haloed in the light of the Christmas trees. His eyes were closed, his face torn between ecstasy and the desperate need to wait for her pleasure.
    It was enough - it would always be enough.
    Her joy swelled and overflowed, sending her into endless waves of bliss, accentuated by the molten steel of him inside her, pulsing and jetting, showing her that he had been obliterated by pleasure at the same instant she was.
    She hardly felt his teeth sink into her neck, branding her lightly.
    When it was done he rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him.
    “Was that… when you bit me…?” she asked, not sure of the terminology.
    “A mating bite?” he asked.
    “Yes,” she replied.
    “I don’t know. My wolf… demanded it. I’m not used to him asserting himself that way. The spell has always kept him in the background. It’s supposed to last for three hundred moons. That’s not until next year for me, but I think he’s already marking his intentions. Letting us know his plan. I’m glad he agrees with my choice of mate.”
    “Mate,” Tess said, testing the word. It sounded good.
    “Does it suit you?” Will asked.
    “Yes, yes it does.” She smiled up at him.
    “I’m glad, baby. It suits me too,” he said. His voice was so deep, she could feel the vibration with her head against his chest.
    One of his big hands began to skim across her bare shoulder blades, back and forth.
    “We should go back down.” she said.
    “I told them we needed a little time. And I locked the door,” he told her. “I want you all to myself just a little longer.”
    Tess smiled against his chest.
    Her eyelids were growing heavy.
    She took one last look at her love, dappled in light from a forest of Christmas trees, then closed her eyes.
    Tomorrow would be Christmas.
    But her miracle was already here.

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