Perfect Match
be, but she was going to be very disappointed if they
didn’t show up, or, more specifically, if Jackson didn’t show

    Chelsey always fit in easily wherever she
went. Noelle wished that she was more like her friend’s in that
sense. She could strike up a conversation with anyone. That was
something Noelle didn’t do easily, but she was trying.
    Darin was perfect for her best friend.
Chelsey was bold and outgoing. Darin was go with the flow and
always had a smile on his face. He was a “new” wrestling fan and he
seemed to be a bit in awe, being around all these guys. That made
Noelle happy that she brought them. They were having a great time,
and doing something great for her friends made her happy.
    If Noelle was being honest with herself, she
knew the reason she wasn’t having a great time was because Jackson
wasn’t there: not her feeling like she didn’t fit in. She loved
seeing Jackson. She did. She couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t
    “So, where’s Jackson?” Chelsey asked, coming
up beside Noelle.
    “Who said that I am looking for him?”
    Chelsey took a sip of her drink. “Right.”
    Kayla walked in at that moment with a few of
the other Goddess’s. She was way overdressed. The black lace dress
she wore looked like something she would wear to the ring. She had
her hair done up, as if she was going to a prom and those
annoyingly high heels…to a bonfire! Kayla, being true to who she
was, instantly acted like she was the belle of the ball and
everyone at Kris’s place had been anxiously awaiting her
    It never failed that every time Noelle would
see Kayla, she’d always wonder what he ever saw in her. And even
more alarming was, how could he ever be interested in everyday
Noelle, when he was in a relationship with Kayla Devine. That right
there was all the more reason to keep Jackson at arm’s length. No
reason for her to set herself up and get hurt by him…again.
    “Hey, I’m going to get something to drink.
Want something?” Chelsey asked.
    “Whatever you’re having.”
    “Hey, are you okay?”
    Noelle turned to look at her friend. “Yeah.
That girl over there, the blonde, she’s Jackson’s ex.”
    Chelsey looked over at her and studied her
for a moment. “I see why she’s his ex,” she said easily.

    Noelle smiled. That was why she loved her
friend so much. “A diet Pepsi would be great,” she said with a lot
more enthusiasm. Chelsey always cheered her up when she was feeling
    She sat down on a chair near where the
bonfire was to be lit later on. It was a large pit in the middle of
the back yard, and Kris had chairs set up all around it. A lot of
people were sitting around it already, but she found an empty seat
and smiled. As she was waiting for Chelsey to return, she looked
over and caught one of the newer guys watching her. He smiled at
her. She remembered him from the Ruckus Room. He just got called up
to BRAWL. What was his name? Alex, she thought. He was nice looking
and, from what she could remember, was a pretty good athlete.
    She looked away and her eyes landed on the
one person that made her heart skip. He finally arrived! She
couldn’t help but feel a bit excited as she saw him looking around.
Was he looking for her?
    “Noelle! Thank you so much for bringing me
here!” Darin gushed as he sat down beside her, putting his arms
around her. He landed a kiss on her cheek. “I am hanging with the
Tag champions, and they think I’m cool!”
    “I’m glad you are having a good time.”
    “Great time. You are the best.” He kissed her
cheek once again and got up as quickly as he sat down. Noelle
looked back over to Jackson. To her disappointment, he was no
longer looking at her.

    Jackson’s emotions went on a roller coaster
ride. He was late coming to the party, because he was waiting on
Mike, who was always late for everything. He was pissed off about
that and knew he should have just left without him.
    At the party, he was feeling good. Then

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