Just the Way I Like It

Free Just the Way I Like It by Erin Nicholas

Book: Just the Way I Like It by Erin Nicholas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Nicholas
thing and the more reasons they had to cheerfully part ways at the end of it, the better.
    “Being with people I care about and who care about me. Working a job I love and I’m good at. Sports, camping, being my nieces’ favorite uncle.”
    “You have nieces?” She wasn’t sure why that surprised her.
    “Yep, three of them. One of my sisters has two girls and the other has one.”
    “What makes you their favorite?”
    He gave her a grin that made her stomach flip. “I like to play. I’ll get on the floor, get loud and messy and silly with them.”
    She had no trouble believing that. But all at once his childish tendencies were a lot more attractive. Plus, she knew now that he could turn it off. At least for long enough to eat dinner with her boss. He was interesting. And very, very hot.
    “I’ll admit I’m a little concerned about the ripped lingerie,” she said casually, sipping from her straw.
    He blinked as they changed topics. “Oh?”
    “These were expensive.”
    “You can buy more.”
    She smiled. No promises of being careful or gentlemanly. “I have another idea.”
    “I’m open to suggestions as long as they come off.”
    She glanced around. Everyone in Bud’s Bowl was otherwise engaged. Most had their backs to them anyway as they concentrated on the alleys.
    Through her dress she felt the strip of her panties where they crossed her hip. The dress’s material was thin and she was able to roll the edges of her panties down by sliding her palms over her hips through the dress. She had to lift her butt off the seat of the stool and wiggle but she was able to work the tiny bikini panties to mid-thigh. Then she crossed one leg over the other, grabbed the edge of the panties and pulled them to her ankles where she kicked them free.
    Then she handed them to Doug. “Now there’s no worry about ripping anything when we get back to the room.”
    Doug stared at the silky scrap in his hand. “I can’t believe you just did that.”
    “Maybe regular girls don’t do stuff like that,” she said with a lift of her shoulder. She picked up her soda again. They wouldn’t work out long term, but she was going to show him other girls could be fun too.
    “I have to say, I’ve never had a woman hand me her underwear in a bowling alley before,” he admitted.
    “Stick around. I might surprise you again.”

She’s unforgettable…and that’s exactly what got him into trouble the first time.
    Just a Kiss
    © 2012 Erin Nicholas
    The Bradfords, Book 5
    As a paramedic in the busiest ER in the city, Kevin Campbell knows there’s no such thing as a typical night—but this one definitely has them all beat.
    His dad’s been stabbed with a fork, his mom’s been in a fight, and it’s all because of a younger half-brother he never knew existed. And if that’s not enough, everyone seems to agree that Kevin should take the boy in for the six months during his mom’s rehab. Oh, and the annulment he thought he got fourteen years ago? Never went through.
    It’s really too bad he gave up drinking and swearing.
    Eve Donnelly is shocked to see Kevin again, but not surprised they’re still married. After all, she was the one who refused to sign the annulment papers. Now that she’s got Kevin back in her life, nothing else matters. Not even her past fourteen less-than-virtuous years. In fact, the truth about her life without Kevin isn’t even worth bringing up. She hopes.
    When Eve offers to help Kevin with his younger brother, a sweet, devout preacher’s daughter seems like an answered prayer. Besides, things can’t get morecomplicated. Can they?
    Warning: Contains a bad boy gone good, a good girl who knows all about being bad, and lots of hot, sweet, so-this-is-how-married-couples-do-it sex.

If only he wasn’t so good at being bad…
    Just Right
    © 2010 Erin Nicholas
    The Bradfords, Book 1
    Dr. Ben Torres, better-than-a-Boy-Scout, surgeon extraordinaire, has been interested in ER nurse Jessica

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