The Click Trilogy

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Authors: Lisa Becker
Knew that would make you laugh, too.  You just need to hang in there.  Lunch at Mel’s on Wednesday?
    From: Renee Greene – March 14, 2011 – 2:20 PM
    To: Shelley Manning
    Subject: Re: Three strikes and you’re out?
    Lunch sounds great.  Will call Ashley and let her know.
    From: Mark Finlay – March 14, 2011 – 11:05 PM
    To: Renee Greene
    Subject: My Profile for Review
    Finally!  My profile is – almost – complete.  I’ve written it and gotten feedback from my sister…and your sister (LOL!).  Now it’s time for me to get feedback from the ultimate writing czar and grammar hawk.  Having a friend in PR sure comes in handy.   Hoping you will take a look, make suggestions, check for typos, etc.
    If you’re looking for an accomplished and driven, self made man, I could be the right match for you.  My name is Mark and I’m a 29 year old video game designer.  I used to work for a major software developer, but branched out on my own two years ago.  I have high standards for myself and others and wanted greater control over the creative and development process.
    I just launched my first cell phone game to solid reviews and critical acclaim.  Despite being very busy, I make it a point to find time to do the things I enjoy.  And, since I spend the bulk of my day in front of computer screens, I spend my non working days hanging out with friends, hiking with my chocolate lab, Finneaus, or going to the movies.  I’m looking for a like minded woman who has intelligence, a good sense of humor and good values.
    From: Renee Greene – March 15, 2011 – 8:53 AM
    To: Mark Finlay
    Subject: Re: My Profile for Review
    Say what?!?  You haven’t posted your profile yet.  Dude!  What have you been waiting for?  I thought we were doing this together!
    I’ve already been on three heinous online dates and endured a tongue lashing by one psycho cyber stalker and you haven’t even gotten yourself out there?  I am reviewing now….okay.  Just read through.  Only edits are hyphens added throughout – see attached.  When you use compound adjectives to modify a noun, those adjectives need to be hyphenated.  Sorry.  But you asked for the “Grammar Hawk,” no?  Otherwise, looks great.  Now post that bio!
    From: Mark Finlay – March 15, 2011 – 9:03 AM
    To: Renee Greene
    Subject: Re: My Profile for Review
    This is great.  And I indeed asked for the “Grammar Hawk.”
    From: Renee Greene – March 15, 2011 – 10:26 AM
    To: Shelley Manning
    Subject: If you want anything done right, you have to do it yourself
    Well, I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands.  I spent a few hours last night scouring the Choose Jews site for my soul mate.  And, I think I may just have found him.  Here’s an excerpt from his profile…
    After three years of toiling away on litigation suits representing big corporations and insurance companies – essentially helping them stick it to the little guy – I decided the deck was stacked too high in favor of big business.  So, I recently quit my job and went to work for a non-profit legal aid.  Every day, I get an immense satisfaction from helping good, decent people who have been screwed by the system.
    I never really thought online dating was for me.  But after being out there in the dating scene for a while, I truly know now what I want and figured this was a way to find the quality person I’m searching for.  I’m looking for a future partner to share my life and raise a family.  My parents always said their job was to raise a productive, kind human being that makes the world a better place.  Although they have both since passed away, I think they would be proud with how I’ve turned out.  And, I want to honor them by doing the same with my children one day.
    He sounds so wonderful.  And, you can log on to see his profile.  Very cute.  I’m going to drop him an email shortly.  Fingers crossed!
    From: Shelley Manning

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