on board,” Deatra said. “It would be a political disaster and suicide for my people.”
    “Our people,” Jon said. “And whoever it is isn’t thinking about that. They’re trying to think of how to get rid of any threat they see all at once. How better than to shoot down a shuttle carrying all the leaders that could be a threat to whatever they think they’re protecting?”
    “My people would destroy this world if anything happened to you or me,” Nefeit said from behind them all. Everyone turned to look back at her. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help overhearing what was going on.”
    Jon nodded as he spoke, “Maybe that’s what they want.”
    “Well if they’re going to do something they will need to do it soon,” Terri said. “We’ll be out of the city limits in less than a minute.”
    “They’re waiting for confirmation,” Deatra said. “They know who’s on board and they want to make sure of their orders.”
    “Bring the shields online,” Jon said.
    “The shuttle has shields?” Deatra said.
    “Of course,” Jon said as he smiled. “It was something Brad and Mike did awhile back when we had a lull on the station. Between those two and the engineering crew they had put together, they figured out how to miniaturize the shield emitters enough to fit on the shuttles and fighters.”
    “The fighters too?” Deatra said in an amazed voice. “No one has figured out how to do that yet. The project was something that was scrapped years ago due to the power requirements.”
    “Oh yeah,” Jon said. “The fighters have shields too. Brad and Mike figured out how to reduce the power requirements while they increased the power output from the plants in the fighters and shuttles. The new designs for the power plants from the Buranis combined with some tweaks of our own increased the power output by almost thirty percent.”
    “Amazing,” Nefeit said.
    “All the fighters and shuttles on
, as well as the ship itself, have new power cores installed,” Jon said. “The fighters and shuttles are all being upgraded. But that will take time to complete, and it’s being done both on ship and at the station.”
    “I would have to say that was a well-kept secret,” Deatra said.
    “I have a few more,” Jon said. “Just so you know, we’re not trying to keep anyone out of the loop. We’re just being cautious with our developments. It makes plugging leaks easier as I’m sure we have more than one spy and at least one saboteur.”
    A small beep followed by a flash in the center of the cockpit made everyone turn to look at the small central table. Tatiana and another unknown Buranis female flashed into existence as holograms.
    Tatiana spoke first, “Captain Hunter, the Titan has arrived, and all repairs are complete.
    The Buranis spoke next, “Captain Hunter, I’m known as Zadra, it’s an honor to finally meet you. My counterpart Tatiana has spoken highly of you and the ADF. I would like to thank you for awakening me. The Scythe is at ninety five percent repair status, and we’re making our way towards the space dock to complete repairs and deliver personnel.”
    “Thank you,” Jon said. “Nice to meet you Zadra, I’m happy the awakening went well for you. Both of you please contact
so you can get up to speed.”
    The AIs spoke at the same time, “We’re already in contact with
    “Good, who is in command of your respective vessels?” Jon said.
    “Captain Gilas,” Tatiana said.
    “Captain Vaes,” Zadra said.
    “Would you please have them both report to me at Deatra’s retreat,” Jon said. “Tell them to bring extra men and equipment if they don’t mind.”
    “I’m sorry,” Tatiana said. “Captain Gilas is being ordered to report to the Royal Palace as soon as possible. I can have the second in command, Lieed, fill your request.”
    “I don’t think I know him,” Jon said, then nodded. “Do so, please. Then pass on to Captain Gilas to join us

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