at the retreat at his earliest convenience. That will be all, have a good day, both of you.”
    Again as one they spoke, “Thank you Sir.” then both faded from view.
    “More surprises,” Deatra said.
    “What?” Jon said.
    “The Buranis AI,” Deatra said. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
    “I did say we were going to turn all the AI’s back on,” Jon said. “The Scythe’s AI database was intact from what I understand. She needed a few repairs and a new core upgrade, which was installed during the repairs. At least that's what I’m guessing as she wasn’t active at the Ga’sahde home system.”
    “If you didn’t know then how come you weren’t surprised?” Deatra said as she nudged him.
    “Because, after the last few months, nothing anyone does around me surprises me,” Jon said. “I was expecting the Buranis AI, I just didn’t know when. The Earth’s Revenge has also had her AI turned on, or will have shortly, although she will need a complete rewrite and systems overhaul. That’s why I’m guessing she’s not here. I would think that Carex and the station crew is taking advantage of the Ga’sahde cover to do some of the backlogged things they haven’t been able to do.”
    “They are,” Terri said. “With the Flagship and her escorts there to protect them, they don’t have to worry about dry docking a ship.”
    “I’m sorry to break up this conversation,” Ifata said. “But, we have more pressing concerns.” She indicated the fighters they all started slowing down to take up attack positions behind the shuttle.
    “I don’t think they will be much of a problem,” Jon said.
    As Jon spoke, eight of
fighters dropped in from the cloud cover and took up formation around the shuttle. Jon reached up and flipped the com back on so they could communicate with the pilots if needed.
    ‘Escort Leader,’ a male voice said. ‘This is Gold Leader,
Special Escort Group Alpha. I’m ordering you to stand down as we now have escort of the shuttle.’
    ‘Gold Leader, this is Escort Leader,’ a male voice said. ‘You have no jurisdiction and even though you have authorized flight plan. I’m ordering you to leave this air space at once.’
    ‘Negative Escort Leader,’ Gold Leader said. ‘Your rank doesn’t exceed mine and I am giving you a direct order to return your flight group to base. I’m transmitting my authorization codes now.’
    There were a few seconds of silence as Jon guessed the Escort was checking the authorization codes. ‘I’m sorry Sir, but I have my orders,’ Escort Leader said.
    ‘Listen here, Captain,’ Gold Leader said. ‘I’m giving you new orders and unless your orders come from a Royal Guard with a rank higher than Captain you will listen to me. I’m personal escort for the Princess Deatra and her bond-mate and as such I have ruling authority here. Do as you’re told, or I’ll have you up on charges if you survive the fight. Do I make myself clear?’
    “We’ve just passed the city’s outer marker,” Terri said.
    ‘I, uh,’ Escort Leader said as he stumbled on words.
    ‘It doesn’t matter anymore,’ Gold Leader said. ‘You’re out of your jurisdiction as we’ve just passed the city’s outer markers. You can return to base. Oh, and I’ll be filing a report on this incident with the Royal Court.’
    Without another word, the escorts peeled off and headed back towards the city. Jon knew they had won this round and just barely. He had planned for something of this nature, though he expected a straight out attack instead of something like this. Now he had to sit back and wait for the next attempt, if this was an attempt and not an honest mistake.
    ‘Gold Leader to shuttle Alpha One, we’ll be your escorts for the remainder of the trip,’ Gold Leader said.
    “Roger that Gold Leader, you have the lead,” Terri replied.
    Jon turned to the back of the shuttle and started climbing down as he spoke, “See, not all my ideas are

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