she needed.”
    “That wasn’t a scheme,” Jon said triumphantly. “That was spur of the moment thinking.”
    “Still it was hair-brained,” Terri said.
    “I see what you two mean,” Ifata said quietly. “I’m going to have to be a bit more on guard than I thought.”
    “Then there was the time…” Deatra said.
    “You know what,” Jon said as he interrupted Deatra. “Never mind, I realize now that no man will win when he’s involved in a hen pecking party.”
    Terri laughed as Ifata and Deatra stared at Jon wondering what he was talking about.
    “I’ll explain it later girls,” Terri said when she saw their confusion.
    “You do that,” Jon said as he stuck his tongue out at Terri.
    “A bit childish too,” Ifata said.
    “You have no idea,” Deatra said giggling.
    “Live it up while you can,” Jon said as he tried to act hurt. The smile on his face gave away his true feelings to the three women around him.
    “You know I love you,” Deatra said as she gave him a hug.
    “Sure ya do,” Jon said as he returned the embrace.
    The sound of the coms going off filled the air. ‘ADF shuttle, this is fighter escort leader you’re directed to change course and land at the Royal Palace,’ a male voice said.
    Jon reached over and snatched a free headset off the wall behind Terri and put it on his head.
    “Fighter escort, this is Captain Hunter-C’loth,” Jon said. “Sorry, but we can’t comply with that order. I’m ordering you to continue your escort of us over the city on our planned route.” It was then that Jon looked out at the fighter and realized it was made of the same crystal substance as the buildings. The fighter just had a coat of paint covering most of the crystal which made him overlook it before.
    “I’m sorry Sir, but I have orders to escort you and your party to the Royal Palace. Your course is being updated,” the voice said.
    “Jon tapped the side of his headset as he looked out the window at the fighter. “I’m sorry you’re garbled and I can hardly understand you. Did you say stay on our current course?” Jon said.
    “No Sir, you’re to change course to the Palace,” the voice said. “I repeat, you’re to change course to the Palace. Do you understand?”
    “Roger that, stay on course,” Jon said. “Will do, thank you for your assistance.” Jon pulled the headset off before he could hear a reply as he shut down the communications system and started waving his arms as if there was something in the air.
    The pilot started pointing at the shuttle and making motions. Terri looked over and shrugged as though she didn’t understand what he was trying to say. But, she knew perfectly well what he was saying.
    “You know you’re playing with fire,” Deatra said.
    “There’s something going on here and I plan on finding out what,” Jon said. He slammed his hand down on the ship to ship communications back up and called the
    “Jon to Commander Taldage,” Jon said.
    “Yes Sir?” Carla said.
    “Carla, I want you to send a communication to Eutharan Planetary Control and tell them we have had a communication failure, and you lost contact with us,” Jon said. “That we’re working on the problem now, and it should be back up soon.”
    “Sir?” Carla said.
    “Long story, I’ll explain it later,” Jon said.
    “As you wish Sir,” Carla said. “Get me EPC on the line…” The communication went offline as Carla was speaking.
    “That should take care of that,” Jon said. “How long do we have until we cross the edge of the city?”
    “Another two minutes,” Terri said.
    “Four more Eutharan fighters have intercepted us,” Ifata said.
    “This is getting dangerous,” Terri said. “Someone out there means business.”
    “Two of the fighters are locking on to the shuttle as well as a few of the ground batteries,” Ifata said.
    “They wouldn’t,” Deatra said.
    “Oh, I think they would,” Jon said.
    “Not with the current leaders we have

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