Growl (Winter Pass Wolves Book 2)

Free Growl (Winter Pass Wolves Book 2) by Vivian Wood, Amelie Hunt

Book: Growl (Winter Pass Wolves Book 2) by Vivian Wood, Amelie Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vivian Wood, Amelie Hunt
stretches, he could only think of Brooke’s cries of pleasure, of the feeling of stretching her tight core, of the way her heat seeped into his body and spread like wildfire, burning him up from the inside out. He lost some of himself, lost time, lost everything but Brooke as he thrust against her, taking them both higher and higher until he was sure he would die.
    When Brooke shuddered and clenched and shouted his name, her orgasm making her grip him so tight it felt impossible, unreal, Pax let himself go. Wrapping one arm around Brooke’s chest, he pulled her upright to sit on his lap and bounced her up and down, engrossed in the feel of her. Nuzzling her neck, he let his instinct take over completely. he was barely aware of sinking his teeth deep into her neck until the tang of her blood filled his senses, driving him past all comprehension.
    He plunged over the highest cliff, freefalling endlessly, fingers marking her flesh as he pounded his seed deep within Brooke’s body, pouring out everything he’d held back for so long.
    It was so good, it hurt. Like being turned inside out, emptied so completely that there was nothing left of himself. And yet… Brooke anchored him, warm and soft under his hands. He collapsed, managing to roll off her and pull her close. Stroking her back with light touches, listening to her ragged breathing, he drifted, awash in the sense of completion.
    Finally… was his last thought, burying his face in her hair, wrapping an arm around her, and pulling his mate close. Finally .

Chapter Eight
    “ A re there any more boxes ?” Brooke asked Penny, who was standing in Harlan’s cabin, taping a cardboard box shut.
    “Uhhh…. not in here, but I’m like 99% sure that Chase still has a bunch of stuff in his cabin that hasn’t even been packed. You’d think, since it was his decision to move everyone to the big house, that he’d be more on top of his own packing…”
    “Uh, no. I wouldn’t think that. It’s classic Chase,” Brooke said. “He orders everyone around and worries what they’re doing, without considering himself. Left to his own devices, he’d happily be packing and moving alone at midnight, once everyone else is squared away.”
    “He has been pretty helpful today… like a knight in shining armor, but with cardboard…” Penny sighed. “It would be easier if the guys weren’t trading off doing patrols.”
    “Yeah, but if Harlan thought he saw a Humvee of unfriendly humans…” Brooke sighed. “I guess the odds are stacking up against us. I just hope it wasn’t Travis that called in the calvary…”
    “It’s been three weeks since your breakup,” Penny said with a shrug. “If it was him, he waited a long time to call the hunters. You said he doesn’t like to lose, like maybe he thinks you’ll come back to him. It doesn’t make sense for him to call in someone to try to hurt you if he plans to get you back. Besides, he’s a shifter too. Why would he draw attention from people who’d kill him, too?”
    “Yeah, you’re right,” Brooke said. “I’m just nervous, I guess. Creepy humans, creepy exes…”
    “And we’re coming up to your first full moon,” Penny said, guessing the true source of Brooke’s anxiety. Or one of them, at any rate.
    ‘Terrified,” Brooke said, hoisting a box.
    “Don’t worry so much. It’s pretty fun, actually,” Penny assured her.
    Brooke chuckled.
    “You’re irrepressible, you know that?” she asked Penny.
    “That’s me!” Penny said with a grin. “Here, take this box too, it’s light. Then I’ll meet you at Chase’s cabin and we can tackle that next.”
    “You got it,” Brooke said, waiting for Penny to stack the box on top of the one Brooke already held. “Then we can continue our conversation from last night about you and Harlan starting a family. I want all the details!”
    Penny blushed and laughed, holding the door open for Brooke as they both left the cabin.

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