His Flight Plan

Free His Flight Plan by Yvette Hines

Book: His Flight Plan by Yvette Hines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yvette Hines
    “Ahhh…sweeeet…Kie—” His words stuttered as his body stilled, then juddered and bucked as he filled her with the hot essence of his release.
    For long moments she could hear nothing beyond her own heartbeat pumping in her ears and their heavy pants filling the room.
    After a while, a semi-recovered Drake wrapped his arms around her and rolled to his back with an inelegant flop.
    Weak and still trembling from the intensity of her orgasm, she allowed her limbs to drape over the sides of his body. She was sure if someone walked in right now she’d look comical in such a display, but she didn’t even care. Her body was humming with satisfaction.
    His heart beat a fierce tempo beneath her ear.
    “You know…you saying my name doesn’t count…if you only get it half out.” Her brain was still muddled and caused her speech to be slow.
    “Well, we’ll just have to try again until I get it right.” He gingerly caressed her spine with his fingers.
    “Not before you feed me. A girl must keep up her energy.” She kissed the center of his chest.
    He tugged a lock of her hair. “You want to go out?”
    She was sure her hair was a fright. That was one thing about having natural hair, it couldn’t just be fingered into place…it took a little work. Glancing up at him, she was glad to see he didn’t appear fazed at all by the wildness of her mane. “Is it wrong if I say I don’t want to be around other people and that I want to keep you all to myself?”
    “Not at all. I feel selfish toward you too.”
    Scouting up, she kissed him. “Then let’s order pizza.”
    “A woman after my own heart.”
    His words jolted her heart, made it skip a beat. She knew that she could easily fall in love with Drake Rhine. It was possible she was more than halfway there. It was crazy. Insane, since she barely knew him, but her emotions were engaged from the moment he stood at her hotel door in Chicago with the bag of toiletries he’d handpicked for her.
    Keeping her thoughts to herself, she got up. “You get the shower going and I’ll call in the order. Is pepperoni fine with you?”
    “Can we get mushrooms and jalapeños on one side?”
    She smiled at his request. “We can have it all over.” She enjoyed her food with spice.
    He winked at her, then got up from the bed and strutted into her bathroom.
    Taking a moment she watched him walk, sighing she turned and went to find her cell phone to retrieve her local pizza place from her contacts.

Chapter Five
    “You know, you didn’t have to put that thing on.”
    “Of course I did. You have to see how I look in the gown you bought me.” The beautiful woman sitting across from him on the living room rug with a pizza box between them swept her hand down the large, blue flannel material and smiled. 
    He shook his head. “Trust me. Once you opened that door at the hotel and I saw just how lovely and svelte you were, I realized I’d made a mistake. Antwan had not described you and I was trying not to offend you with some slinky number. But I was way off.”
    “I love it.” Kiera laughed. “It’s warm and roomy. Big enough for two…maybe three people.” Picking up her second slice of pizza she bit through the crust end first, her style.
    He’d already eaten three-and-a-half pieces.
    Chuckling, he sat there for a moment and admired her. After their shower, where they had ended up in sudsy play until they had both reached orgasm simultaneously by one another’s hand, she’d moisturized and twisted her hair. Now she sat with him, confidently sporting a black silk scarf tied around her head. Her face was fresh and void of the makeup she’d worn earlier. Kiera wasn’t the first black girl he’d dated. Not being a man who cared about race, he’d dated African-American, Caucasian, and Asian women. However none of those women ever allowed themselves to be relaxed and unadorned in his presence like Kiera. Not until they’d been dating for a few months.
    This gorgeous

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