Diamond in the Desert
he shot her a teasing look. ‘Are you quite sure?’
    ‘Certain,’ she said, but there was laughter in both their eyes.
    Laughter that died very quickly when Emir ran the switch of twigs very lightly down between her breasts and over her belly to the apex of her thighs. She was instantly aroused and couldn’t move, even had she wanted to. She remained motionless as he increased the pressure just enough, moving the bunched twigs with exactly the right degree of delicacy. Her breath came out in a noisy shudder, and all this time Emir was holding her gaze. His eyes told her that he knew exactly what she wanted him to do. Her breathing stalled when he used the switch to ease her legs apart.
    ‘Why deny yourself, Britt?’
    ‘Because I need to get inside where it’s warm,’ she said lightly, pulling herself together.
    Physically, she yearned for everything Emir could give her, Britt realised as she quickly shed her underwear, while emotionally she was a wreck. She felt such a strong connection to him, and knew she would never be able to ignore those feelings—
    Better she end this now.
    He joined her in the hut. That was a foregone conclusion. The stag didn’t abandon the doe when it was cornered. The stag knew what the doe wanted and tracking it was part of the game. They sat opposite each other with the hot stones sizzling between them, and, leaning back, Emir gave her a look—just a slight curve at the corner of his sexy mouth.
    ‘What?’ she said, knowing he could hardly have avoided noticing that she was naked.
    ‘Now we get really hot,’ he said.

    A S E MIR ’ S FAMILIAR warmth and scent flared in her senses and his arms gathered her in, Britt felt a new energy flooding through her. She even spared a foolish moment to wish it could always be like this—that he was really hers, and that these strong arms and this strong body would sometimes take over so she could take time out occasionally. But that was so ridiculous she had no difficulty blanking it out. She took one last look at a world where desire for a man could grow into friendship, and where that friendship could grow into love. That was just childhood fantasy. She’d settle for lust.
    Holding her face between his hands, Emir made her look at him. Gazing into the burning stare of a man who knew so much about her body made it easy to forget her doubts. Her face must have shown this transition, because he brushed her lips with his. And from there it was an easy slide into a passionate embrace that ended with Emir manoeuvring her into a comfortable position on the bench—which just happened to be under him.
    ‘Is there any part of this you don’t like?’ he said, smiling down at her.
    She liked everything—too much—and at what risk to her heart? Right now she didn’t care as another part of Britt Skavanga, warrior woman, chipped off and floated away. At one time sex was little more than a normal function for her, like eating or sleeping, but now...
    Now that wasn’t nearly enough.
    But Emir’s hands were distracting her, and as he traced the line of her spine she embraced the feelings inside her. They were so strong she could hardly ignore them. She wanted this man. She wanted him so badly. She wanted to be one with him in every way. Unfortunately, Emir’s approach to sex was much like hers had used to be, and being on the receiving end of that was very different from doling it out. But then her mind filled with pleasure as his lips caressed her neck. He knew just how to work her hot spots until she softened against him and relaxed. She had always taken the lead in the past—she had been the one who knew what she was doing and where she was going, the one who was completely in control—but with Emir there was no control. She was his.
    ‘I love your body,’ he said as she writhed beneath him.
    ‘I love yours too.’ How could she not?
    Emir was built on a heroic scale. She doubted she had ever met a bigger man. There wasn’t

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