Tropical Storm

Free Tropical Storm by Stefanie Graham

Book: Tropical Storm by Stefanie Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stefanie Graham
was in, he could get himself hurt, or worse!
    “Shane! Shane!” Storm ran down the hill away from the hotel to the beach calling her son’s name. She frantically scanned the dunes, then the rocky shoreline and finally the surf pounding on the beach. By the time she was finished, her voice was raw and hoarse from yelling. She was in a panic; she didn’t see him anywhere. Too much time had gone by since she had lost sight of him. Storm was almost hysterical. She needed help.
    She ran back to the hotel as fast as her feet would carry her. She came bursting through the door and collided with Tyrone. Storm sank into his arms.
    “Tyrone, please, you have to help me.” Her voice shook with desperation. “I can’t find my son. He and I had a terrible fight and he ran away from me. Please help me find him!”
    “Of course I’ll help you. Where did you last see him?”
    “He was on the north shore of the beach when I lost sight of him. Please Tyrone, it’s been almost thirty minutes, we must find him soon!” She pleaded.
    “Calm down.” Tyrone soothed. “Wait here, I’ll get Cairo to help.”
    Storm grabbed his arm. “No! Don’t get Cairo, there’s no time. We need to leave now.”
    “Alright, alright,” Tyrone said sensing her terror. “We’ll leave immediately.”
    Together they scoured the beach but there was no signof Shane anywhere. Tyrone didn’t want to alarm Storm but he was getting worried himself. Although the island of Jamaica was beautiful, it was also wild; you had to respect it, you had to know how to navigate it.As teenagers, he and his foreign born cousin had explored the land. Tyrone had taught the city-reared Cairo to love and respect his homeland. They had made games out of finding the secret places to hide. Tyrone new the parish inside and out; as he searched for Shane he drew on his childhood memories of the places he used to hide as a child, but to no avail.Jamaica was a wonderful place filled with many amiable people but it was also dangerous. Tyrone turned to Stormas the gravity of the situation dawned on him.
    “I think we should call the police.” He suggested quietly.
    His words had a physical effect on her. He thought for a moment that she might faint.
    “Doyou think he’s dead?” Storm said shaking beside him, barely able to get the words out.
    For the first time since he’d learned who she was,Tyrone’s heart went out to her.
    “I don’t think he’s dead, Storm. I know that he’s not. I just thinkthe police will help us find him faster. Come with me back to the hotel and we’ll call them.” Tyrone tried to take hold of Storm’s arm but she pulled away.
    “No! I can’t stop searching for my son , not evenfor a second. You go, I’ll keep looking.”
    “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He said looking out over the darkening landscape. The Victory sat on several acres of beachfront property. If you didn’t know the terrain it was very easy to get lost in the dark. “It’s getting late, I can’t let you wander around alone, please be reasonable.”
    Storm swung around to look athim.
    “Be reasonable, be reasonable,” she repeated. “I can’t be reasonable. It’s my fault my son’s out there all alone. I disappointed him; I let him down. I’ll never forgive myself if he’s hurt in any way. He’s all I have in this world, Tyrone. I can’t go anywhere until he’s found!”
    Tyrone understood but didn’t back down.
    “You’re wasting valuable time arguing with me, Storm. I’m responsible for you. I will not have the police looking for two missing people. You’re coming with me.”
    Tyrone was unaccustomed to volatile women. The women he knew did what they were told. He tried again to take hold of her arm but she yanked it out of his grasp, shoved him and then took off running down the beach disappearing quickly into the darkness.The sound of his voice calling her name melded together with sounds of the night.
    Cairo’s bonfire on the

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