Under the Desert Sky

Free Under the Desert Sky by Sara Luck

Book: Under the Desert Sky by Sara Luck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Luck
your difficulties. I thought I’d come out here and see if there’s anything I could do.”
    â€œAnd what did you hear?”
    â€œThat you lost all the eggs in your brooder. Surely, you know that.”
    â€œThe question is, how do you?”
    â€œMy handyman was out and he ran into Cornello this morning, and Cornello told him how bad it was.”
    â€œCornello told Rojas?”
    â€œYes. He said not a single egg was spared. He said it looked like they may have been hit with a hammer. I wouldn’t put it past that old man that he might do something like this himself.”
    â€œYes, who’s to say.” Phoebe clenched her jaw.
    â€œFinally—after all this time, you’re making some sense. Get rid of those two old men, sell these damned birds, and move into town.” Frank moved toward her. “You won’t have to work so hard.”
    â€œAnd how do you propose I support myself?”
    A revolting expression crossed his face. “It’s interesting that you use the word propose . You’ve heard my proposal from the day you tricked my brother, and I’m running out of patience. You may think you don’t have to submit to me, but so help me, when I’m through with you, you’ll be begging to come to my bed.”
    â€œAre you threatening me?” Phoebe raised her chin defiantly.
    Frank crooked his finger under her chin. “No, my dear. It’s not a threat. It will happen. The eggs are just the beginning.”
    Just then, Christian came into the kitchen, having come through the parlor. “Is this man bothering you?”
    Frank whirled around. “Mister, I don’t know who you are, but you can’t just walk into my brother’s house and get away with it.” Frank pulled a small-caliber revolver from his pocket and pointed it at Christian. “I think you’d better get on your horse and ride out of here before I put a bullet through you.”
    Christian laughed. “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been shot at in this house.”
    Frank looked toward Phoebe. “What is this man saying? Do you know him? Has he been bothering you? Whatever it is, I won’t allow it.”
    Just then Will came bounding into the kitchen. Seeing Frank with a gun pointed at Christian, Will hurried to Phoebe and buried his head in her skirt. “Don’t let Uncle Frank shoot Wet. Get your gun, Mama, and shoot Uncle Frank.”
    Phoebe picked Will up and held him in her arms. “No one’s going to shoot anyone. Frank, I think it’s time you left.”
    Christian came to stand beside Phoebe and took Will from her. The boy wrapped his arms around Christian’s neck and buried his head on his shoulder.
    A menacing smile crossed Frank’s face. “I’m beginning to get the picture here. Will, my boy, does Wet sleep here?”
    â€œYes, sir.”
    Frank nodded. He turned and, without saying a word, stomped out of the kitchen.
    â€œI take it ‘Uncle Frank’ is your brother-in-law.”
    â€œOne and the same. You’ve just met Frank Sloan.”
    â€œSeems like a pleasant fellow,” Christian said sarcastically. “From what I heard, it doesn’t sound like there’s much familial congeniality between you two. I’m glad I came in when I did.”
    â€œOh, the birds,” Phoebe said, concerned. “I forgot about them. Are they still alive?”
    Christian laughed. “Your birds, and their eggs, I’m happy to say, are just fine, but I must say, you’ve got a couple of feisty ones out there.”
    â€œDid you see Wapi? Did you give him the pancake?” Will asked.
    â€œI did, and he asked about you. He told me to give you his best.”
    Will laughed. “That’s silly. Wapi’s an ostrich, and ostriches can’t talk.”
    â€œOh, but they can, if you know how to listen to them.”
    â€œMama, Wet can talk to ostriches.

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