Wicked Burn

Free Wicked Burn by Beth Kery

Book: Wicked Burn by Beth Kery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Kery
outrageous things when he was horny—they just sort of spilled out of his mouth—and it had occasionally gotten him into trouble with women. Jenny especially hadn’t appreciated it, given the seriousness of their relationship. She’d called him a pervert on more than one occasion. Toward the end of their relationship he had refrained from speaking at all during sex.
    So he was glad to see that Niall didn’t seem to mind his language. She looked incredibly sexy slurping away at his cock like a starved waif who had been given a rare treat.
    For a few seconds Vic seriously considered letting her bring him off all over again. But no . . . another time. He drew his partial erection out of her warm mouth, grimacing in agonized pleasure when he heard the moist popping noise his cock made when the thick rim cleared her tight lips. He put his hands on her shoulders and raised her to her feet.
    “Get undressed,” he muttered gruffly. But when she hastily began to unfasten her jeans, he stopped her with a hand on her jaw.
    She moaned softly into his mouth when he lowered his head and gave her a slow hot, open-mouthed kiss. His fingers came up to pluck and pinch her right nipple. His other hand lightly skimmed the bare skin at her waist, causing her to shiver.
    Vic forced himself to release Niall’s erect nipple, determined to make love to her for once while they were both completely naked. He’d never even gotten his jeans all the way off the other day, he thought with amused self-disgust.
    “Go on,” Vic prodded with a grin when he lifted his head and Niall just continued to stare up at him with a dazed expression. He brushed aside a tendril of silky hair from her cheek. She was so lovely. She didn’t seem to have the vaguest interest in playing the bedroom sophisticate, but she seduced him constantly with her desire-glazed eyes, her total response to his touch, and her sweet but paradoxically scorching hot smiles.
    And innocent, elfin appearance or no, she’d just deep throated his cock like no woman ever had before.
    Niall blinked at the sound of his amused voice. Her hands trembled in excitement as she unzipped the leather boots she’d been wearing with her jeans and peeled off her socks. Color flushed her cheeks, making him wonder if she was embarrassed about undressing in front of him. Her sexy smile when she glanced up and saw that he was already sprawled nude on the bed, his back propped against the headboard, belied self-consciousness in a big way, however.
    So did the fact that she unsnapped her jeans slowly, giving him a peak of her ivory satin underwear. When she knew that she had his attention, she inserted two fingers between the, fabric and her jeans and worked them between her labia, rubbing herself sensually. His breath stuck in his lungs when she deliberately pulled aside the satin and exposed her pink, glistening folds to him. Her hips rolled against the pressure of her rubbing fingers subtly . . . sensually. He stared, recalling all too well the sensation of her plump, juicy lips against his own fingers and tongue. After a moment he peeled his eyes away and met her gaze.
    His nostrils flared when he saw her little smile.
    “Get your naked butt over here,” he muttered darkly.
    He saw the flash of anxiety that leapt into her gaze, spicing her arousal. He waited tensely while she drew her jeans and panties over her legs. She approached the bed cautiously, more than likely sensing the rising tension in him. When she drew near him, he reached up, drawing her down next to him. He grabbed her wrist. Before Niall knew what he intended, he shoved both of her fingers into his mouth. He sucked and ran his tongue between them, greedy for her sweet cream. She yelped in surprise a few seconds later when he abruptly hauled her over his lap.
    “Oh!” she cried out in alarm when he spanked her bottom twice. Smack, smack! She struggled in his lap, but he held her down tightly with his left arm at her back. She

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