Navy SEAL to Die For

Free Navy SEAL to Die For by Elle James

Book: Navy SEAL to Die For by Elle James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle James
touching her was straining his control. “I couldn’t do it. You needed a break.”
    “You need to sleep, as well.” She pushed her hair back from her face, watching his reaction as his gaze shifted down to her breasts. Becca almost laughed out loud at the hunger in his eyes.
    Quentin shrugged those massive shoulders, making Becca’s core tighten. When she’d first awakened, she’d thought making love to Quentin had been a lush dream. But the delicious soreness of her sex was proof it had all be too real. Despite her announcement that there would be no regrets, she was beginning to regret her announcement to that end.
    One night wasn’t nearly enough with Quentin. How the other women he’d loved and left must have grieved. He was that good, making Becca want more.
    Quentin stood there, not making a move toward her, even though he was clearly aroused. What did she have to do to get him to come back to bed? Obviously, naked breasts weren’t enough.
    She threw back the sheet and swung her legs off the bed. “You could have at least woken me in time to share your shower,” she said, making her voice soft and silky. Rather than throw herself at him and beg, she strode across the room, doing her best runway walk, every inch of her bare to him. As she neared him, she slowed and touched his chest. “I’d have scrubbed your back and anywhere else that itched.” She lightly patted his cheek. “Too bad.” Then she stepped around him and entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.
    Her body tingled all over after only touching his naked chest. Becca turned on the water in the shower and stepped in, shocked at how cold the spray was as it hit her body. She prayed it would cool the heat and ease the throbbing between her legs.
    She lathered the tiny bar of soap and spread the suds over her face, breasts and down to the juncture of her thighs. Yeah, he could have had her again that morning, if he’d wanted her enough to take her up on the offer. But he hadn’t.
    “To hell with him,” she muttered out loud and ducked her face beneath the spray.
    “Didn’t your mother teach you it’s not nice to curse?” A deep, sexy voice said as large hands circled around her belly from behind and pulled her against a hard erection.
    She leaned into him. “I thought you weren’t interested.”
    “Nothing could be further from the truth.” He nudged her buttocks from behind. “And it was fairly obvious.”
    “Umm.” She pushed the wet hair from her face and turned in his arms. “Is that what was hiding beneath your towel?”
    He lifted her, wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her against the cool tile of the shower wall. “I had to get protection before I joined you. Fortunately, I had more than one tucked into my wallet.”
    “They train that in BUD/S school?”
    “Damn right. Never go into a situation unprepared.” He nudged her with his fully cloaked erection. “Now, what was it you were saying when I stepped in the shower with you?”
    Becca lost track of the conversation as Quentin slid inside her, filling her to full, stretching her tight. “I said something?” she whispered, unable to drag in a complete breath.
    The cool tiles against her back barely chilled the heat building inside, and did nothing to slow the wild beating of her heart. This man had her turning inside out with the strength of her desire for him.
    She rode him until she climaxed, Quentin following right behind her. Digging her fingers into his shoulders, she pressed her head back against the wall, her heart racing. She didn’t come back to earth until the shower’s spray turned cold.
    Quentin lowered her to the floor of the tub and turned off the water.
    The jangle of a phone ringing sounded from the next room.
    Becca froze. “That could be Royce.” She galvanized into action, stepped out of the tub, grabbed a towel and raced into the other room. The disposable phone continued to ring, the vibrations making it travel across

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