Outbreak The Beginning (The Outbreak Series Book 1)

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Book: Outbreak The Beginning (The Outbreak Series Book 1) by Deausha Kristal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deausha Kristal
for what are you going to do? Have the baby, be the best mother you can be. Like I know you can be,” I corrected. “You will be safe here. Everyone here will see to that. Do you know what you’re having? Do you have anything yet for the baby?” I ask. Thinking to myself that I feel so bad she has to go through all this at a time like this. That we need to make sure we have everything that they need. I’m starting to feel really stressed. Not what I thought I would be dealing with, the zombie Apocalypse raining down on our heads.  Looking at Hank, he’s the smart one, sitting there drinking his coffee watching us.
    Tabby wipes her eyes and takes a sip of my coffee. “It’s a girl Mom and no I don’t have anything. What am I going to do?” She cries.
    “Tabitha, we’ll get what you need don’t worry about anything, you just need to take care of yourself and that great grandbaby of mine. Mom and I will worry about the rest,” Hank says.
    I must have a shocked look on my face because I see that he’s grinning. Ok so I sure didn’t expect for him to react that way or say what he did for that matter.
    “Hey babe, how’s dinner coming? I know it sure smelled amazing when I walked in. And did anyone hear from Pete?” I ask her. 
    “Dinner should be ready in a couple hours. Uncle Pete and them are about an hour away,” she says.
    “Ok why don’t you get the boys together and have them, start unpacking G-dad’s truck and putting it where Mimi tells them to. And show her their room. Make sure they have towels in their bathroom and anything thing else they want in there. Oh, and plug in the mini refrigerator too.” Tabby gets off my lap and heads in.
    “Before you say anything, we’ll make this work. We’ll have to start to hit stores, whichever ones we can and you know it. She’s going to need way more supplies for herself and that baby,” Hank says.
    “I know Hank, just never expected this to be put on the list,” I say. “Why don’t you go catch a few hours of sleep while dinner’s cooking and let the boys unpack? You know they did sleep last night.”
    Standing up and stretching Hank says, “Yeah I think I will, I’ll go lay on the couch for a bit.”
    “No Hank! Go to my room. You’ll rest better there.” 
    “Just wake me up when dinner is almost done or if you need help,” he says.
    “I sure will Hank, now go get some sleep,” I tell him.
    He walks into the dining room. He says something to my mom and heads to the back of the house. Herk jumps onto my lap and starts kissing me unmercifully. “Ok Herk, I love you too, my little man.” I rub him behind his little ears and he lies down. I sit there for a minute. I know I should get up and start doing something. So I head into the house with the doggies in tow. They are never far from me. 
    “Hey Mom are the kids unloading your stuff into your rooms?” I ask.
    “Yes they are. Tabby is making sure they are doing it right. Want to walk back with me?” she asks, looking scared.
    “Sure can but Mom your safe here you know, they won’t get in here and besides if one did we are all armed. It wouldn’t last long you know. If it would make you feel better I can have Liam get you the 38 I know you like that little gun and can handle it okay,” I say.
    Walking down the hall together I look into the bathroom and see that it’s stocked to the gills and see that my bedroom door is closed. Good, Hank’s resting he needs it because we’re going to need him. Walking to the spare bedroom door I open it for my mom and we enter. It’s a nice room, there’s a full size bed in one corner, with tons of pillows and blankets on it and there’s a little table with an oversized chair. Then against the far wall there is a little wood burning stove with a little pile of wood next to it. There’s a door leading into a small library. Then right to the left of us is a small bathroom, shower, tub, a sink and toilet. Their room and my room are the only

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