Breeding My Boss's Wife
thought to myself.
    “ I don’t like that cold
thing in my nu-nu,” she told me, moving to where her face was
inches from mine.
    “ I prefer something
    Despite my ambivalence about the
situation I was trapped in, I felt my cock stir. Just like it did
the very second I saw her for the first time, I knew I was
powerless to resist Gabi’s charms. My soul was willing to resist,
but my flesh was weak.
    Or in my case, damned weak. I felt my
cock begin to engorge at the sight of her glistening loins, knowing
what promised treasures were waiting for me within.
    “ I don’t like how those
mean doctors do it.” Gabi said. She pulled me close and began
unbuckling the belt at my waist. Then I felt her hands expertly,
and deftly unfasten the clasp at the waistband of my trousers, and
then lower my zipper. Within what seemed like mere nano-seconds,
her hands were curled around my cock.
    I could keep up an air of indifference
if I wanted to. At least outwardly. But when Gabi touched my
member, I lost it. I was hers. Whatever she wanted, I was all in
(to put in in Texas Hold ‘Em terms).
    I felt her guiding me between her
legs. Her hands, both shoved between our bodies, were urgently
guiding the tip of my member to her eager pussy. I felt the tip of
my cock briefly touch against the moisture of her eager
    She gasped. Then I felt her, grasping
my cock in both hands, slide it around the wet lips of her loins,
and urge it into the slippery folds of her pussy. I felt her heels,
still wearing her four-inch “fuck me pumps” clasped under my ass,
pulling me into her.
    Unable to resist, I sank deep inside
of her body. Her dripping wet pussy was waiting for me, and I sank
into the hilt in one swift stroke.
    I heard Gabi gasp underneath me as I
penetrated her fully.
    “ Oh, that feels so much
better than the doctor!” she moaned underneath me. “So
    Absolutely beyond giving a shit, I
began thrusting insistently into Gabi’s sodden pussy. With each
stroke, she gave out a harsh cry as I skewered her with my turgid
    “ Tell me what you want,” I
hissed in her ear as her body began reacting to me.
    “ Cum inside me!” she
urged, her voice coming between gasps as she appeared to approach
    “ Cum inside you?” I asked,
as if I didn’t know the answer.
    “ Why?” I asked.
    Gabi was heaving for breath under me
as I pistoned my cock in and out of her. She began quaking and I
felt her pussy pulsating and quivering as I hammered myself into
her over and over. I felt the shocks of the Escalade rocking back
and forth underneath us as I rhythmically fucked her.
    I saw that Gabi was consumed in an
orgasm as she writhed underneath me.
    “ I want to have your
baby!” she barely managed to stutter out as I hammered her
    Hearing her words, I lost it.
Struggling to restrain my own passion, I lost control and felt the
sensations of my own orgasm hit me, hard and fast.
    “ Oh my god!” I managed to
cry out. Then I felt the familiar sensation of my hot seed flowing
down the center of my cock and filling the womb of my willing, but
forbidden partner.
    “ Mmmmmmm,” I heard Gabi
say as my seed filled her.
    “ So much better than that
frozen stuff,” she moaned in my ear, as my cock quit
    I lay atop her, with most of my weight
held up on my elbows. I heaved for air, almost breathless from the
fury of our frantic coupling.
    Immediately, as always, I was overcome
with a feeling of guilt. I quickly disengaged myself from Gabi as
my cock began to soften.
    “ Gabi, I need to get back
upstairs,” I told her. “Jake’s gonna wonder where I am if I stay
gone too long.”
    Oh, please?” Gabi’s voice came out
sounding like a whining little girl. “Stay just a little bit
    “ What if Jake comes
looking for me?” I asked. The last thing I needed was that. Jake,
Gabi’s husband, was also my boss. He would shit a brick if he found
me fucking his wife. I would lose my job,

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