Yazen (Ponith)

Free Yazen (Ponith) by Nicole Sloan

Book: Yazen (Ponith) by Nicole Sloan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Sloan
that’s hanging toward the ground from a tree, so I decide to go over to it and break it off so we can use it.
    “OUCH, who dares to break my branch?” the tree roars at me. It sounds like a woman’s voice. Then I notice a woman’s figure in the tree and it begins to move its side branches in a swaying motion to throw pinecones at me. I’m so shocked and surprised I can’t help but run away from it and back over to our campsite. I keep looking over my shoulder as I run for my life. What in the world was that?
    I run as fast as I can until I’m wheezing and out of breath. Once I make it back to Alex and Jenn, I realize the woman or tree did not follow me, but she’s still in the distance, yelling.
    “What is that?” Jenn screams. Alex is getting his rifle loaded and ready.
    “I have no idea. That tree’s alive or there’s a woman inside of that tree. I tried to break a branch off of it and she yelled at me. She started to throw pinecones at me. I just made a b-line back here,” I tell them.
    “Zac, you keep watch while I start this fire and cook us some dinner. I don’t think we should go much further than our tents tonight. We don’t know what is out there,” Alex says while piling up the branches.
    I grab my matches out of my bag to give to Alex so he can start the fire, while Jenn throws a few leaves and some grass on top of the branches. Alex hands me his rifle to use for protection. I walk back and forth around our tents, watching to see if anything is coming our way.
    After a few attempts of trying to start the fire, Alex gets the flames going nicely. The three of us sit around the fire quietly, trying to stay warm. I take out some of the meals I brought and share them. We decide to have some of the beef stew.
    The girl in the tree got quiet after about ten minutes or so. I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep tonight. What is she? Why didn’t she chase after me?
    We finish eating and then clean up our mess, putting our trash in a bag. I begin to notice that Jenn is starting to get a bit antsy.
    “Hey, Zac, where do I go to the bathroom at?” Jenn asks me. I open my bag to grab some toilet paper out and hand it to her. I point to a bush near us.
    “Can I just go behind the tent? I’m scared to go in those bushes by myself,” Jenn says.
    “That’s fine,” I say to her. I don’t blame her ; I wouldn’t trust any trees or bushes here after the pinecone-throwing lady in a tree.
    Alex and I both decide to go into our tents. A few minutes later Jenn comes into the tent. I give her the sleeping bag that I brought and I just lay next to her on the hard ground.
    “Good night , Alex, see you in the morning. If you need us for any reason, wake us up,” I yell out to him in the other tent.
    “I will. Good night,” he responds. It’s quite chilly tonight. I really wish I had brought another sleeping bag. I’ll be okay, though. I’d rather Jenn be warm than me.
    “Thank you, Zac, for taking care of me. Are you sure you are going to be warm enough?” she asks me.
    “I’ll be okay. You keep warm and try to get some sleep. We don’t know what’s in store for tomorrow,” I tell her. She lies on her side, facing me, and closes her eyes. Within a few minutes her breathing slows down and she’s passed out.
    As I look at her, I realize that even though she’s dating Brad, I can’t stay mad at her. She’s my friend and yes, she’s beautiful. I force myself to close my eyes and go to sleep. I know tomorrow is going to be an adventure.

Chapter Five
    “Zac, wake up.” Jenn shakes me vigorously until I sit up and look at her, while trying to comprehend what she’s saying.
    “What’s the matter, Jenn?” I ask her while rubbing my eyes. I can hear birds chirping outside, so it must be morning.
    “I think I heard something outside. I tried calling out to Alex to see if it was him but no one answered,” she says in a panic.
    “ Alex, are you awake? Alex, answer me,” I yell to

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