Yazen (Ponith)

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Book: Yazen (Ponith) by Nicole Sloan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Sloan
see anyone around. “Can we go check out that tree from last night?”
    Alex and Jenn look at me in silence. I can tell they are nervous to go over there. I notice Alex checking his rifle to make sure it’s loaded.
    "Do we have to?" Jenn asks.
    "Just stay behind us. I have my rifle ready, in case we need it," Alex says while aiming his gun at the trees.
    "I'll lead the way," I say while heading back to the tree from last night. We quietly sneak up on the tree, but it seems normal. This type of tree is a weeping willow, and normally they grow near lakes or ponds. It has lots of branches that hang low to the ground. I don't see the woman anywhere; maybe she left.
    I shrug my shoulders at Alex, "I don't know, maybe she ran away."
    "Who goes there?" the woman's voice yells. Alex and I jump back from the tree, Jenn is holding on to my shirt. The tree doesn't seem to be moving, I don't see the woman either. I can hear someone sniffling and crying, however.
    "My name is Zac, and these are my friends. Where are you? Are you okay ? I can hear you crying," I yell out. My eyes are scanning the surrounding area, looking for any movement. Alex is scanning around frantically with his rifle, looking for any threats.
    "Please come around to the other sid e of the tree," says the woman.
    We slowly circle around the tree to find a woman embedded into the tree. She looks like an older woman that has a lot of scars. Her hair is made from long, dangling twigs. She has dark green eyes and long, sharp bark nails. Her body is not revealed much. She’s completely covered in bark. Her arms are free to move around, but they are made of bark as well.
    “Hi, I’m Zac. These are my friends, Jenn and Alex. We’re just passing through and trying to find the Yazen gem so we can go back home,” I try to say with a steady voice, although I’m not sure how I managed it.
    The woman stops crying and turns to me, "Are you the one that hurt me last night?" She looks very sad. I feel bad that I was the one that hurt her. I didn't realize that she was a living tree at the time.
    " Err, well … It was my fault, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were here," I apologize to her. Alex lowers his gun and Jenn finally lets go of my shirt.
    "Are you still crying from last night?" Jenn asks her.
    "No, I cry all of the time. I'm stuck here by myself, and unable to leave from this spot. I have to wait for someone to bring me water, to keep me refreshed. I had a spell put on me that has changed me into this horrible creature," she says.
    " A spell? What's your name? What exactly are you?" Alex asks her. He sits his bag and rifle on the ground.
    "My name is Beldis. I'm now a Weeping W illow Dryad, but I used to be a Wood Elf. I miss my freedom so much and I wish I could go back to normal, but I’ve been like this for a while. Where are you all from?" she asks us.
    "We're from Earth. We're just traveling through ; my grandpa told me about Yazen and said we should visit here, so we decided to come. Now we have to find the Yazen gem to help us get back home," I explain to her.
    Beldis begins to weep again, this time louder. I exchange confused glances with Alex and he meets my eyes and shrugs. I turn back to Beldis, frowning. I wonder what I said?
    " Did I say something wrong? Why are you crying now, Beldis?" I ask her.
    "I'm crying because now you are trapped here with us ; you can't leave Yazen. The Dark Lords have taken the Yazen gem and they have a small army of Dark Elves protecting them," she explains to us.
    Jenn and Alex look at me nervously as soon as she says that we are trapped here. I felt my heart drop in my chest at the same time.
    "What do you mean that we are trapped here?" Alex asks here as politely as he can. He's looking around, as if he's expecting someone to come after us.
    "The Dark Lords are very powerful Dark Elves ; they’re considered high mages to them. They’re almost impossible to defeat in combat. They have taken over our planet, trying to

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