Creating Characters

Free Creating Characters by Howard Lauther

Book: Creating Characters by Howard Lauther Read Free Book Online
Authors: Howard Lauther
Tags: General Fiction
got without any tricks or sleight-of-hand.
    Blunt-spoken; doesn't try to shade the truth.
    Never tries to varnish his background or his capabilities.
    Doesn't embellish the facts.
    He will never deceive you.
    You may not want to hear it, but he'll tell you.
    Comes right at you; never engages in evasiveness.
    He boldly says what others would like to say.
    His conversation is not perforated with double meanings.
    The truth is usually written on his face before he even says one word.
    Related Traits:
    Affected, artificial, artful, calculating, conniving, crafty, crooked, cunning, deceitful, devious, disingenuous, disguised, dissembling, double-crossing, double-faced, duplicitous, evasive, false, foxy, fraudulent, guileful, holier than-thou, hypocritical, insincere, lying, mendacious, phony, sanctimonious, scheming, shady, shifty, side-stepping, sly, stealthy, story-telling, surreptitious, thievish, treacherous, tricky, two-faced, underhanded, venal.
    As Seen by Others:
    Has a propensity to steal.
    Has an addiction to telling lies.
    With him, you hardly ever see what you think you see.
    With him, everything is a charade.
    His promises often wind up being nothing but words.
    If it's a choice of being truthful or promoting his own interests, he'll choose the latter.
    Learning his true intentions is a game for fools only.
    Depending on his smile is like playing liar's poker.
    All his stories end up by either making him look good or making you feel sorry for him.
    Questioning him is like trying to hit a moving target.
    He preaches one thing but does another.
    Not above stealing someone's identity, ideas, or friends.
    He's quite willing to take credit for what someone else did.
    He'll sell his soul to the highest bidder.
    Sees principles and allegiances as nothing more than bargaining chips.
    Willing to betray a spouse or a friend, maybe even his country.
    Related Traits:
    Detached, equitable, even-handed, fair, fair-minded, impartial, neutral, nonpartisan, objective, reasonable, unbiased, uncommitted, indiscriminate.
    As Seen by Others:
    He won't favor one person or group over another.
    If he's in a position where he has to dispense punishment for some misdeed, he'll make sure it matches the offense rather than exceeds it.
    Has spoken out against prejudice.
    It's his opinion that everyone should get the same chance at whatever prize is being pursued.
    He's not influenced by the fact that someone may belong to some kind of minority.
    He'll listen to both sides of an argument without taking sides.
    Related Traits:
    Biased, bigoted, discriminating, factional, inequitable, one-sided, partial, partisan, predisposed, preferential, prejudicial, sectarian, unfair, unreasonable.
    As Seen by Others:
    He's always taking sides.
    He has shown that he is incapable of making the punishment fit the so called crime.
    His punishment is too severe for those he does not like, and too lenient for those he favors.
    Tends to "categorize" human beings and mentally places his group at the top of the so-called pecking order.
    Does not associate with those who are of a different race, religion, nationality, educational background, social level, political persuasion.
    He is more likely to exclude people than include them.
    Related Traits:
    Constant, dedicated, dependable, devoted, dutiful, duty-bound, faithful, loyal, reliable, stable, stalwart, staunch, steadfast, steady, true, true-blue, unfailing, unswerving, unwavering.
    As Seen by Others:
    If he says he'll do something, you can count on it.
    Takes his responsibilities seriously.
    You'll give up on yourself before he will.
    While everyone else abandons you, he'll stand by you—until he finds out that his faith has been misplaced.
    Insists on honoring allegiances or promises until it is no longer honorable to do so.
    Related Traits:
    Disloyal, erratic, fair-weathered, faithless, fickle, inconstant, irresponsible, shaky, traitorous, treasonous, undependable,

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