Creating Characters

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Book: Creating Characters by Howard Lauther Read Free Book Online
Authors: Howard Lauther
Tags: General Fiction
unfaithful, unreliable, unstable, wavering.
    As Seen by Others:
    Can't depend on him.
    Always late.
    Don't expect him to stand by you when you need him the most.
    His moral commitment is as erratic as fish in a pond.
    Tends to shirk his responsibilities if something better comes along.
    He may believe what he says today, but don't expect that to be the same come tomorrow.
    Likes allegiances or friendships when they're to his advantage.
    Related Traits:
    Anguished, apologetic, ashamed, chagrined, compunctious, conscience-stricken, contrite, embarrassed, guilt-ridden, guilty, heavy-hearted, humiliated, mortified, penitent, regretful, repentant, rueful, self-reproachful, shamefaced, sheepish, sorry, tormented, woebegone, woeful.
    As Seen by Others:
    He once did (said) something that he has since always wished he hadn't.
    His actions are the sacrifices that beg for atonement.
    Moves through his days as if he were pulling a train.
    It's hard for him to believe that he could be so hurtful.
    Tries to return to someone's good graces.
    Shame has hung from his heart for a very long time.
    Once, he failed to do something and he wants that moment back.
    Related Traits: Callous, hardened, impenitent, shameless, unapologetic, unashamed, unembarrassed, unregretful, unrepentant, untroubled.
    As Seen by Others:
    Everyone else believes he's done (said) something disgraceful, but he doesn't.
    He's a person without a conscience.
    He's at the point where nothing he does bothers him anymore.
    Doesn't know the meaning of sorry.
    His attitude is, what's done is done and there's no sense worrying about it.
    He's so hard that he's forgotten how to care.
    Related Traits:
    Bustling, busy, energetic, enterprising, fast-moving, frenzied, frisky, hard-working, industrious, lively, peppy, perky, productive, prolific, quickmoving, spirited, vigorous, zippy.
    As Seen by Others:
    He's always on the go, doing something.
    Loves to work.
    He does nothing slowly.
    He won't postpone anything that can be handled today.
    Prone to rush ahead, do things in a flash, get a hard start.
    For him, sleep is an interruption.
    Won't quit until the job's done.
    Got more energy than two people put together.
    He's always exceeded the results expected of him.
    Seems to have a reservoir of energy that never runs dry.
    Able to produce a great quantity of work.
    Not averse to working through his lunch hour.
    Related Traits:
    Comatose, dawdling, dilatory, drowsy, fatigued, feckless, flagging, idle, indolent, inert, languid, languorous, lazy, lethargic, lifeless, listless, loafing, malingering, ne'er-do-well, procrastinating, quiescent, remiss, shiftless, slack, slothful, slow, slow-moving, sluggish, somnolent, soporific, torpid, unenergetic, unproductive, vegetative.
    As Seen by Others:
    He sort of just pokes along through life, killing time.
    Prefers to take things easy rather than do things seriously.
    Does as little as possible for as long as possible.
    Seems to be in a chronic state of weariness.
    Sometimes it's as if he can barely put one foot in front of the other.
    More likely to be found asleep than applying himself.
    Tends to put things off, half-believing he'll do them later.
    He avoids action by pretending to be sick or incapacitated.
    His slow approach to everything inconveniences others.
    Produces almost nothing useful.
    Some people call him a good-for-nothing.
    If his mind ever gets as inactive as his body, he'll be dead.
    Related Traits:
    Acrobatic, adroit, athletic, deft, dexterous, elastic, facile, flexible, graceful, light-footed, limber, lissome, lithe, lithesome, loose, loose-jointed, nimble, sprightly, spry, supple, sure-footed, willowy.
    As Seen by Others:
    Has the dexterity and lightness of a dancer.
    He wields tools effortlessly, as if they were extensions of his arms.
    He's poetry in motion.
    His limbs appear to be almost rubbery.
    His muscular coordination is well above average.
    Everything he does seems to be all

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