Accidentally Compromising the Duke

Free Accidentally Compromising the Duke by Stacy Reid

Book: Accidentally Compromising the Duke by Stacy Reid Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacy Reid
would encourage Papa to see us wed. Entering the duke’s room was a horrid misfortune.”
    A florid flush climbed his face. “I cannot even think of continuing to press my suit! Everyone knows you were in his room, and it has already been suggested you may be enceinte . If we were to still wed, I would be forced to defend your honor at every instance.”
    Forced to defend my honor …yet a stranger was willing to place the proverbial noose around his neck to save her reputation. Adel’s heart fluttered at her assessment. “Why should we allow the whispers of small-minded people to dictate our lives?” she demanded, though her heart kept plummeting.
    He looked away from her, steadfastly refusing to meet her gaze. “They are crucial to my success. The house is already rife with talk of the duke having had you,” Mr. Atwood muttered. “I should not be speaking to you of such delicate matters, but it seems it is unavoidable.”
    What delicate matters? “What are they saying Wolverton made me do?” It should not be important, but she strangely cared.
    Red splashed across Mr. Atwood’s face and Adel was nonplussed to realize he was blushing.
    “They are saying you have been his mistress,” he said harshly.
    Mr. Atwood must know such a ridiculous assertion could not possibly be true, but the facts would not be believed. Once society spoke of it, he would find it an affront.
    “I see,” she said softly, distressed and annoyed in equal measure to feel tears rising once more to the surface. “I feel as if I have aged a decade in just a few hours,” she gasped, fighting the urge to cry. “I feel so ridiculous. Society’s opinion is far more important to you than I am. I have been silly enough to willingly take steps that might bring ruin to my name, because I thought the tendre we had formed was worth so much more than a cold union.”
    Perhaps the duke was right; sentiments in marriage were for the fool-hearted. She had been so certain Mr. Atwood adored her as he’d professed on several occasions.
    He grimaced, and then turned soulful eyes to her. “You are so beautiful, Adeline.”
    Her eyes widened. Never had he referred to her with such intimacy before, or referred to her as a beauty.
    He continued gruffly, “For a long time I felt undeserving of you. That someone as wonderful as you would want to marry me. You enjoy fishing, you listened when I spoke of my work and my dreams of becoming a barrister.”
    Regret settled on his face and Adel felt a tight knot forming in the pit of her stomach.
    “I cannot marry you, not after you have been caught with the duke. I do not even believe we can be friends. The duke has sworn off marriage, and everyone speaks of the fact that he will abandon you. Your reputation has been irreparably damaged, and you may tarnish mine by association.”
    She flinched and he tugged at his cravat. Before she could inform him that the duke had done the honorable thing, Mr. Atwood hurried past her.
    “I am sorry,” he murmured as he darted away.
    Adel was too stunned to even turn to watch him leave. Years of friendship and expectation had been reduced to a hasty dismissal and good-bye. She closed her eyes. What was she to do now? Would the duke even still want to marry her, after her earlier rejection? She did not have to marry him, she could flee to the country and use her modest inheritance from her mother to try and open a bookshop after the scandal died away. Although her infamy might very well cause patrons to flock to her establishment. She wondered if she should change her name and hope for anonymity to hide her from society’s censure.
    And what of your sisters? Though Helena and Beatrix were her stepsisters, Adel loved them wholeheartedly. If she were ruined, the scandal would follow her for years, her sisters would also suffer the consequences. With stiff movements she turned around and walked from the orangery toward the main house. She would have to marry. The idea of wedding

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