The Vampire Legacy III; Familiar Souls
Charles will be here soon.”
    “ So, how do we do this?”
Cristian asked. Justin rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Well,
I’ve never done this before, have you?”
    “ You cut your hand, like
this.” Justin said and slid the knife across his palm, slicing it
open. He watched the blood bubble out then handed the knife to
Michael, who did the same. Michael looked at Cristian, who
hesitated, then took the knife and cut his own palm. “Now.” Justin
instructed. “We have to shake hands.”
    “ That’s easy.” Michael
said and shook his hand, suddenly feeling the overwhelming
pulsating feeling as their blood mingled. When Michael pulled away,
Justin turned and grabbed Cristian’s hand and shook it. He watched
the expression on Cristian’s face as he too felt the strange
feeling that Justin seemed to be passing to them. Cristian let go
of Justin’s hand then turned and looked at Michael. Slowly,
cautiously, their hands connected and they looked at each other as
the pulse passed between them also. Michael let him go, and then
looked at Justin. “My blood is your blood.”
    “ And mine is
    “ And mine to both of you.”
Cristian added. Justin looked at him and smiled “So, now it is
done. We’re blood brothers, linked for the rest of our
    “ Our blood ties us to one
another.” Justin said and smiled. He got up, grabbed the knife and
walked away. Michael looked at Cristian, and then at his own blood
stained hand.
    “ Did you feel it?”
Cristian asked.
    “ I thought it was Justin.”
Michael said and looked away.
    “ I did too, but then it
happened to us.”
    “ After we touched him
though.” Michael shook his head, “Maybe that was a
    “ Why are you always so
skeptical about Justin?”
    “ There’s just something in
his eyes.”
    “ Darkness?”
    “ Yes, you see it
    “ Only when he looks at me
when I say something stupid.” Cristian replied. “He’s not all bad.
He saved a girl from a fire once.”
    “ When was
    “ Just before he came to
live with us. Charles thought he was courageous. I think he was
robbing the place and set the fire himself.”
    “ You’ve got an overactive
imagination.” Michael smiled and then looked out at the night. “I
think he’s just a loner.”
    “ Yeah, that could be it
to. Do you think he felt the pulse?”
    “ He must have, unless he
was the one doing it.”
    “ Michael.” Cristian smiled
and patted him on the shoulder with his clean hand. “Grow up. You
can’t fight demons your whole life, now can you?”
    “ I guess you’re right.”
Michael said and jumped down. The two of them walked away from that
spot and went down the ladder, off the roof.
    Michael opened his eyes and looked over
at Ashley, who was standing up watching Jack. He closed his eyes
and went back to the darkness behind his eyelids, except that there
was no darkness at all, but a sudden flash of bright light. When
the light cleared, he saw himself standing there, looking back at
    “ It’s only a mirror,
Michael, don’t look so baffled.” Justin’s voice laughed at him.
Michael looked away from his reflection, over at his blood
brothers, and then walked towards them. “What happened? You were
standing there admiring yourself for almost five
    “ I was just thinking.” he
replied as the three of them walked away from the mirrors. “Do you
think we should be here, you know how Charles feels about these
gypsy fairs.”
    “ Who cares what Charles
thinks? He’s out of town.” Cristian laughed Michael nodded and
watched as Justin disappeared into the crowd. “Now, where do you
think he’s going?”
    “ Probably saw some girl
and decided to get acquainted.” Michael said and walked beside
    “ Do you think girls really
go for that dark and mysterious act that he puts on?” Cristian
asked. Michael stopped him and pointed to a spot between the tents.
They both looked at Justin, who was

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