Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1]

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Book: Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1] by Angela Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Castle
heightened demon activities. Oh, and prepare for extra company, so stock up on food. Make sure there are plenty of strawberries, vanilla ice cream and some kind of chocolate, the good kind.” The line went silent for a moment.
    "Chocolate? You bringing a kid back to the Zigg?” Mark's tone held a touch of suspicion.
    Neman didn't answer the question. “Watch your back, Mark—there's more than a few creatures out to nail my ass to the wall and they won't let a few mortals get in the way of their target."
    "Sure thing, boss. If it's that bad then watch your own back, okay?"
    Neman didn't say any more, he just snapped his phone shut. He had two more places to visit before he could return to Vanessa. Leaving her alone for this long, protected only by mortals, made him edgy. The intensity of his desire for her continued to amaze him. The effects of the anointing should have been fading by now, so why did he still want her? It was more than just a want—it was a need deep within him. For a very long time, he denied himself carnal pleasures for the thrill of the hunt, taking pleasure in the kill. Vanessa was very different from his first wife, Ningal. Vanessa was strong-willed and light-hearted. Vengeance seemed less important now; all he wanted was Vanessa. Her pale blue eyes, heart-warming smile, even her little ramblings touched a place within he'd never thought could be touched again. He let his lust turn into a dark rage upon thinking of those who wanted to kill her and his child. No, not this time—he would protect her, no matter what the cost. It was time to go kick down a few doors and beat the shit out of a few demons. When Neman wanted answers, he got them.
    Nessa had to hand it to the woman—she knew how to shop. Fabulously dressed in the most expensive maternity clothes Nessa had ever seen, she wore a pale blue, ruffle wrap dress, complete with a new bra giving her a plunging neckline, which made more than a few male heads turn to gaze at her best assets—her generous breasts. But Nessa never glanced back. When you have the best, why look at scraps? She smiled in amusement. The shop assistants were falling over themselves to help her spend Neman's money. Nessa figured he owed her after getting her knocked up and destroying all her earthly possessions. The limo was loaded up with everything Nessa could ever need, and she was now feeling a little tired, yet satisfied with the result of their shopping trip and also finding a friend in Ana. She sat with Ana, alfresco in a crowded cafe, watching the crowds shuffle past. She sipped her decaf mocha latte, feeling like a movie star after being pampered at a salon, even without an appointment. Ana showed the color of her money and they ushered her right in.
    "Enjoying yourself?” Ana smiled.
    "Maybe a little too much,” Nessa said with a touch of guilt. “We've just spent more money than I make in six months."
    Ana laughed. “Trust me, you will not bankrupt Mr. Neman anytime soon. Money matters little to him—he takes care of his own. I know he will be pleased you are happy."
    "I think he's out of the doghouse,” Nessa said with a wicked little grin. “This sure makes up for what happened yesterday. It was one hell of a night."
    Ana moved in closer and asked in a hushed voice, “Were you attacked by demons?"
    Well apparently Ana did know Neman was a demon hunter.
    "Um, yes, you could say that. I had my apartment blown to kingdom come. Neman got me out by the skin of my teeth,” and only a bed sheet. But Ana didn't need to know every detail. Nessa took a second helping of strawberry tart, nibbling on the sweet treat.
    "Don't worry, now, Mr. Neman will take care of it. He will take care of you,” Ana assured her.
    Nessa couldn't help but laugh at the seriousness of Ana's tone and expression. “So Neman knocked me up, my apartment was blown to smithereens, and, by now, I've probably lost my job. The life I used to know has been hung upside-down and all the change

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