Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1]

Free Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1] by Angela Castle

Book: Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1] by Angela Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Castle
needed to pee a lot lately. Upon seeing the bathroom's huge bathtub, Nessa couldn't resist filling it up.
    How had her life turned from normal and mundane to inside-out, upside-down and every which way from Sunday? Gods, demons and perhaps even Santa Claus, for all she knew, truly existed and, from what she understood, a good portion of them were out for her and her baby's blood. As fucked up as the whole situation was, she wasn't one to let things drag her down—such was her nature. “Roll with the punches,” her dad always said, “and keep on rolling till you can kick them in the gonads, then run for your life.” She missed her father's offbeat humor and his ever-present, cheery smile. He had been gone for over six years now, passing from a sudden coronary. Her mother she barely remembered, as she'd passed away from breast cancer when she was two. Her father more than made up for the lack of a mother. She couldn't have asked for a more caring and nurturing parent.
    She sighed and her thoughts turned to Neman. Sure he was a stud muffin with abs she could do her laundry off of, but from what he told her about being anointed, his attraction to her was purely due to this anointing business. His heart didn't enter into the equation. He didn't love her—she didn't love him. Or did she? Could she tell the difference between lust for Neman and love? Although she'd never admit it to him, she liked when he got all macho and possessive over her. Maybe there was a spark of something else other than this anointed stuff. Probably not—of course he'd be nice and caring toward her because this baby mattered a great deal to him.
    Nessa frowned. There was another issue making them incompatible; he was immortal. She would simply keep growing old and frumpy and then eventually die while he continued looking young, vigorous and mouth-watering. Still, he was her baby's father. Even if he was more certain the baby was his, she would always do the right thing by her child. And love him, no matter who the father was.
    Hunger compelled her to leave the comfort of the bath. She wrapped herself in a white, fluffy bathrobe she'd found hanging on a stand and left the suite in search of food. After taking more turns than a Twister board, she found a stairway and went down into a huge reception area. An elderly, Hispanic-looking woman, neatly dressed in a pale casual skirt and blouse appeared. Seeing Nessa, her brown eyes widened with a smile while she approached her.
    "Ahhh, Miss Myles, glad to see you awake. You slept so long, we feared you would never get up. I am Ana, housekeeper for Mr. Neman. He left us with very strict instructions to take the very best care of you."
    "Um, thanks, where is he?"
    "Mr. Neman had to go see to his business. As you know, he's a very busy man."
    Nessa wondered if the housekeeper knew of his ex-god, demon-hunting status.
    "But come, come, you must be hungry. It's not often I get to prepare meals here for anyone other than Mr. Neman's employees. A real guest is a rare treat. You must mean a great deal to him—never has he brought a woman as lovely as you here.” Her smile held genuine warmth, and she never seemed to draw breath as she spoke. She made Nessa look like an amateur in the speed-talking department.
    "So he does bring women here?” The question was out of her mouth before she could stop it.
    Ana smiled, leading her into a large kitchen with dark marbled benches and stainless steel appliances.
    "Oh, no, no, you are the first, my dear."
    Ana's statement comforted her—Neman didn't bring women home. The cooking smells assaulted Nessa's nose, and her stomach growled.
    "Oh, you must be starving."
    Ana pushed her into a chair, setting a large glass of orange juice in front of her.
    "I could eat a horse and chase the jockey. I swear this baby is eating more than me."
    Ana's eyebrows shot up. “ Embarazada? El bebe ?"
    "Sorry, I um, don't speak any language other than English and Australian slang."
    "You are

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