Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1]

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Book: Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1] by Angela Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Castle
having Mr. Neman's baby?” Ana was quick to translate with a curious gaze.
    "Aaahhh, I, um, well, yes.” Nessa's face flushed from embarrassment. It was a bad habit of hers to let her mouth run away before her brain could catch up. She was unsure if she should have let it slip that she was pregnant, but, on the other hand, if Neman trusted this woman with his home, surely knowing about the baby wouldn't matter. “Sorry, I'm not sure if I should be telling anyone."
    Ana simply grinned broadly. “No, no, this is wonderful news. Congratulations, my dear."
    The woman gripped her into a bear hug, wobbling the stool she sat on.
    "Oh, now I understand Mr. Neman's instructions to take very special care of you.” Releasing her, Ana busied herself beating eggs, frying things on the stovetop, slicing and dicing. Within ten minutes, she made pancakes, fluffy eggs and crispy bacon and placed a large plate of fresh fruit before her.
    Nessa happily tucked in. “This is my first trip to Los Angeles,” she said between bites. “I don't know how to explain it, but I kind of don't have any clothes with me. My, um, clothes kind of got destroyed.” Along with my whole apartment .
    "No need to explain, Miss Myles. I have already been instructed to get you anything you wish. I'll get you some of my clothes for now. But you cannot be in Los Angeles without going shopping. Lots of pretty maternity clothes will be needed, I think.” She walked to an intercom, pressed a button and fired off instructions in rapid Spanish. A male voice replied.
    Nessa was getting more excited by the moment. By the eager gleam in Ana's eyes, so was she. Nessa always wanted to travel, and who could turn down a shopping spree? She figured if Neman was footing the bill, why not enjoy the experience?
    "It will be so enjoyable. You are going to love the shops here in Los Angeles. Nothing but the best for Mr. Neman's lady."
    Nessa popped a strawberry into her mouth with a smile. Maybe belonging to Neman had more perks than just having his hot bod.
    Neman teleported back to Sydney to personally check on this so-called friend of Vanessa's, yet he was unable to find any sign of him. He also wanted to check the residue traces of the demons that attacked them last night. Any good hunter understood that knowing your enemy makes you better able to kill them. The human police and fire department sectioned off her apartment. From what he'd heard from people who lived in the area, they blamed a gas leak for all the damage. Neman sniffed the singed areas the energy bolts damaged. Not many species of creatures could cause this kind of destruction.
    From the sulfuric odor, he knew they were Shadow demons, which meant Belshazzar was after Vanessa and they would have pilfered her image from some of the photos around the room. Neman picked up a small photo in a broken frame, Vanessa smiling her mischievous smile with her arm slung casually around a tall, dusty blond man. This must be the Darren she was so fond of. Neman bit back the jealous rage brewing inside. Gay or not, he didn't like the idea of her being around other men.
    He thought back to their first meeting in the alley, his lips twitching at the corners at remembering Vanessa's drunken state. His amusement vanished when he remembered the Gorlon Kat demon. It all made a twisted kind of sense now. The string of women the demon murdered—he was willing to bet it was searching for the Chosen One before Neman got to her. He was now thankful he found her in time. This conclusion counted Jezebel in on the hunt as well. The odds were starting to stack against them. Neman flipped open his phone. It was time to call in the troops and prepare them.
    "A week's holiday is more than two days, Neman,” Mark answered on the second ring.
    "Sorry, Mark—something has come up which warrants the cancellation of vacation time. I need you to head back to the Zigg and send out a code red to the rest of the agency. Warn all of our contacts about

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