The Decimation of Mae (The Blue Butterfly)

Free The Decimation of Mae (The Blue Butterfly) by D H Sidebottom

Book: The Decimation of Mae (The Blue Butterfly) by D H Sidebottom Read Free Book Online
Authors: D H Sidebottom
depleted rapidly. My
brain throbbed against my skull as starvation tortured it.
    I tried to shake my head at him, my eyes watering and
bulging as his own angry slits watched the life drain from me. My chest
stuttered as a pain tore through my breastbone with the pressure in my lungs.
    I endeavoured to apologise with my eyes, begging him to
stop as my vision tunnelled and my body sagged against the restraints.
    He released his hold as suddenly as he had brought it on,
leaving me panting and wheezing, my lungs burning with the sudden fuel
inflating them.
    “Will you ever learn, Mae? Will you ever heed my advice?
That smut you speak repulses men, therefore lowering your value.”
    I snapped my eyes to his and stared at him, my chest
struggling to cope with the oxygen and shock. “What did you say?”
    He scoffed and shook his head, a cruel sneer curling his
lip. “What? You thought I wanted you? That I desire you?”
    His words shouldn’t have hurt me as much as they did and
I looked away, blinking back the pain that settled in my gut at his ridicule
and rejection. What the hell was wrong with me?
    “Did you think I was forming you into something that I
would want?” he continued as he stepped closer to me. He laughed mockingly as
his disgusted gaze roamed my body. “You are nothing but a whore. I prefer my
conquests to be clean and pure.”
    My mouth dropped open as anger surged through me. “I
would be innocent if you hadn’t forced it from me, you bastard!”
    He crashed into me, his fist once more bruising my lip as
his fingers wrestled with the cuffs on my wrists. I dropped to the floor as
soon as they snapped open but I didn’t have chance to feel the impact before I
was being dragged across the concrete by my hair. Instinct brought my hand up
to curl my fingers around his grip but it was an impossible task, his grasp was
too tight.
    He threw me onto the floor, his wrath sucking the air
from the room. I drew back, scuttling into the wall when he started to unbuckle
his belt. My eyes shot up to his, angering him further when he yanked his zip
down and pulled out his cock. I quickly diverted my gaze. Although twenty-one,
it was actually the first time I’d set eyes on one. My cheeks flooded with heat
as he barked out a cruel laugh.
    “Oh come on, lamb. You asked for it.”
    I shook my head at him, denying his words. “No…”
    “Oh, but you did. Your expression told me everything when
I told you I didn’t desire you. My declaration ached your heart, I saw it.”
    I shook my head again as he stepped to me and grabbed my
hair, pulling me to my knees before him with my face to his groin. I winced as
he dug his fingers into my jaw and forced my mouth open. “You use your teeth,
then I will delight in pulling each and every one from your mouth.”
    I knew he meant every word; torture fed his dark side,
fuelled his black heart.
    I choked on the tears when he pushed his length into my
mouth. A shudder ripped through him as his grip on my hair started to control
my movement, directing his own pleasure. I sank my lips around him, the act
natural and instinctive. He hissed faintly and my eyes lifted to his. His jaw
was tight, his teeth clenched together as he drew air through his nose noisily,
his strong chest rising and falling rapidly.
    I whimpered as his expression changed from anger to awe,
as though surprised by my ability to suck on him. It was hardly rocket science;
however, even I was shocked by my reflexive worship. His whole face softened
and his eyes widened. He released my hair with one hand and drew his thumb
across my cheek, wiping away a tear that had slid free.
    “That’s it,” he urged softly as he pulled and pushed
gentler, his rhythm slow as I pleasured him with my mouth.
    I was amazed at the taste and texture. I had expected
repulsion as my tongue tickled the underside of him, but I was shocked to find
I didn’t mind the unique taste.
    He grew hungrier, his hips pumping faster as he started

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