
Free Faithless by Tony Walker

Book: Faithless by Tony Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tony Walker
"I don't think he's gay so if we can't appeal directly to his love of money, we can possibly introduce a very pretty lady to break his heart."
    "The evidence is that the only person he loves is himself. Like most narcissists he wanted to talk about himself and impress his wonderfulness on me. He told me he's a diplomat... and I fawned on him." Philip put on an unctuous voice - 'Really? That's sooo interesting... Mr??'"
    "You've missed your way. You should have been on the stage."
    "Don't flatter me Johnnie. You can't kid a kidder."
    John shrugged. "So? What about Leonov?"
    "Well I was suitably impressed about his status and very impressed that he was Russian. Because, as I told him, I have some very big investors looking to buy Russian coal. I emphasised the big.  The bottom's just fallen out of British coal production as you and he are aware. We've got to get it from somewhere. I indicated large money could be made as the British government is keen to undermine the miners. I don't think he got my pun."
    John groaned. "Go on."
    "But anyway, he had about as much solidarity with the lumpen proletariat as Winston Churchill. Did not give a shit about the heroic struggle of the workers."
    "Just so." Philip raised an eyebrow. "Churchill you mean?"
    "No, Leonov. A man without principles."
    "Ah," said Philip, "remember what Brecht said about all of that: how fortunate the man with none."
    "He was being ironic."
    "I know. I did study."
    "So what's next?"
    "Well I'll bring my crazy boss and you get your crazy boss  - not sad Sue - but K4 himself - though tell him not to bring the Bible to the meeting. I've seen it on his desk all gold leaf and Catholic piety. I'll let the right people in SOV/OPS know and get someone from SBO from our side and we'll open the indoctrination list. I gave Leonov my card and if he doesn't ring me, I'll ring him with an offer - something to do with coal and money. He should pass it to the Trade Delegation but if I hint strongly at personal profit, I think he's enough of a weasel to keep hold of it himself. In the meantime see if your telephone bods and buggers can give us any idea of where he's getting his posh suit capital."
    "I might ask for some mob ile surveillance."

"Top notch idea Johnnie," said Philip. "If he takes my call, you and I will take him to Annabel's on Berkley Square, at our expense of course. You will be my immensely rich client. Do you think you can pretend to be rich?"
    "I'll read some books."
    "Maybe walk down Bond Street and look in windows?"
    "But not go in?"
    "I doubt they'd let you. But just being near money will help your portrayal of a rich man through a kind of fiscal osmosis." He took a sip of cooling coffee. "How I want to play it is that you are rich but rough. Use your working class roots as source material. You know, boy from tough Glasgow Streets makes it good though hard work but mainly being an unpleasant, psychopathic user."
    John laughed. "I'll try. I'm not from Glasgow though."
    "Near enough for Leonov not to notice. I am planning to create a rapport with Leonov using this triangle. He and I are clever, sophisticated people. You are a rough brute. I will make him feel special and allied with me in our sophistication and erudition against stupid proletarian people like you and his ambassador."
    "It almost sounds like there's some kind of science in this. I always thought MI6 was just full of shit, but now you make me wonder."
    "Wonder away little MI5 cousin. Leonov's mine. And yours."
    20 September 1970 - Bonnyrigg. It was John's 18th Birthday. He was planning to go out to the cinema with Karen. Karen was pretty sophisticated and she said she wanted to go and see Five Easy Pieces that had just come out. It was on at the Cameo in Home Street - a cinema that showed subtitled foreign language films. Karen liked Jack Nicholson who took the lead. John wasn't against seeing Easy Pieces because he'd heard it had some dirty bits and was rated X. This would be

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