Oliver Twisted (An Ivy Meadows Mystery Book 3)
    “Not much. Russian, good actor, ladies’ man.”
    “Really?” Val was nice in a goofy sort of way, but his ghostly pale skin, muddy-colored dark hair, and creepy-colored eyes put me in mind of an anemic vampire.
    “He’s got something going for him,” Timothy said as he opened the stairwell door to the hall. “Rumor is he’s got a big—”
    “Heart,” I said before Timothy could say more. Didn’t really want the image of a naked Val in my head. I mean, maybe all of him was pale, even the nether bits, which would be weird since…Dang. Guess the image was already imprinted on my brain.
    “Also, he tends to take his clothes off when he gets drunk. Just a warning.”
    “I’ll keep that in mind. Just a sec.” I unlocked my cabin door and went in while Timothy waited in the hall.
    I took off my wig and gown and changed into a t-shirt and pair of leggings. I hopped the two steps to the bathroom, popped my last two chewable Tums in my mouth, met Timothy in the hall, ran to the theater, and jumped onstage just a few seconds before Jonas and Ada walked on from the backstage area.
    “Hey,” said Jonas, “you look great.” He sounded surprised and impressed at the same time. “First time I’ve seen you without a wig since the cut. Short hair really shows off your long neck. I can even see a little Audrey Hepburn in you.”
    Audrey Hepburn! I stretched my neck like a preening swan.
    “Yeah, if Audrey Hepburn had orange hair and a butt like a sack of potatoes.” Ada flopped a mat under one of the silks.
    I whipped my head around to check out my butt, just in case.
    “Ivy has a delicious ass,” Jonas said to Ada.
    Delicious! It was a pretty nice ass, but no one had ever called it delicious. Was Jonas interested in me? “Start stretching,” he said. “The way Ada showed you last time.” He turned away. Not interested then.
    I dropped to the floor and went into a modified lunge, one leg bent in front with my foot flat on the floor, and the other stretched behind me.
    Jonas tugged on a rope, and the second silk fell from its place in the fly space. “Timothy, David,” he said to the guys who sat in the front row. “We’re going to go over the basic moves with Ivy. You don’t have to be here for another hour.”
    “Moral support,” said Timothy.
    “Just watching,” said David.
    “What about Val? Will he be at rehearsal later?” I stayed in the lunge position and put my palms flat on the floor. It felt good to stretch my sore muscles.
    “No.” Jonas looked at me strangely, probably since Val wasn’t in the magic show. I knew that, but wanted to find out what they knew about him.
    “He’s a great actor.” I lowered my front leg to the floor and bent it so that it tucked in front of me. “Sends shivers down my spine when he talks in his Bill Sikes voice.”
    “He’s got a great Cockney accent,” Jonas said. “Maybe he could give you a few pointers.”
    I made a mental note to work on my accent and persevered. “It’s crazy that he’s so good at acting in English. Did he study here in the U.S.?” I reached back and grabbed my leg, pointing my toe toward the ceiling.
    “I don’t think he’s had any formal training. Do you know, David?”
    David shook his head.
    “David is his roommate,” Jonas said. “Valery used to work onboard as a busboy. He came to me one day after an actor quit. Said he used to act in school and asked if he could audition. Blew me away. I hired him on the spot.”
    “Did he go to drama school in Russia?” I watched Ada climb up her silk like Jack scaling the beanstalk.
    “I didn’t ask.” Jonas tilted his head, considering me. “Why so interested?”
    “Ivy’s got a crush,” sang Timothy.
    I spun around and glared at him. “Do not.”
    “Do too.” He winked at me, unseen by everyone else. I glared at him and he winked again, slower this time, like he was conveying a message. Oh, he was helping me out. I had been sounding a little

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