Trinity - Defying Destiny

Free Trinity - Defying Destiny by Kylie Price

Book: Trinity - Defying Destiny by Kylie Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Price
pissed Lachlan off…” she had taken note of my face. “What’s wrong?”
    “I just thought you would have wanted me to come with you,” I told her honestly.
    She grabbed my hand and said, “I did, but Trin, I was so hungry, you have no idea how hungry. I wanted you to have time with Garth to talk about things. I’m so sorry, I can’t explain it. Sky was even looking appetizing.”
    As she explained it to me, I started to feel stupid. Again, my mind was trailing off, thinking stupid thoughts. I had actually felt jealous that they had gone out without me when I should have known that my best friend would not leave me to go do something as big as this unless she absolutely had to.
    ”I’m sorry Nikkee, you are right, I didn’t know. I must have been blocking you out and not feeling your pain,” I said feeling sheepish.
    “It’s ok,” she smiled, “Where is Sky?”
    “In the training centre,” Garth said.
    “Training centre?”
    “Do you want to take a look?” Lachlan asked.
    Nikkee and I both looked at each other and said, “Hell yes!” at the same time. Lachlan turned around and started heading back inside while Nikkee and I hung back. She told me that she did really well with her first feed and that the guy barely noticed what she had done. Even though she wanted to just keep drinking her rational side told her she couldn’t. She said that Lachlan had been very impressed, because she only took a small amount, however, that meant she had to feed on other people to get her full feed. She said that once she learns her limits she should be able to just feed on one. She seemed very proud of what she had accomplished, I felt the same and gave her a squeeze with the arm I had around her shoulders letting her know that I was just as proud of her.
    I gave her the run down on what Garth had told me in the dining hall. I also told her about Ally and all the things she had told me. She listened intently as we wove ourselves around the hallways until we walked into a large open room that was like a hangar. I looked up and saw large beams along the roof. The floor had large mat areas in different colours that I guess meant different things, over on the far wall in front of us were lines of all different types of weapons and fighting gear, and then I saw there were a few people standing around on a blue mat.
    There were cheers and voices of people egging something on. Garth and Vex were already over there and next thing I know Garth lifted Sky up with one arm from the back of her shirt. He set her on the ground and gave her a pat on the back.
    “Good job, but you must learn when to stop. Your opponent is out cold,” Garth said as we walked over.
    Sky had cuts and grazes on her arms and face. I looked down and saw a person passed out.
    “What happened?” I asked.
    “I came in here to check it all out. This idiot started talking shit about us. He challenged me and I accepted,” Sky replied breathlessly sporting a huge grin.
    “I didn’t know you could fight,” I was smiling back.
    “Neither did I,” she replied.
    The group that was standing around the blue mat started to walk off as they gave me questioning looks, but as they passed Sky, they gave her a pat on the shoulder.
    “Nice to know one of us is making friends,” I said laughing.
    “I heard you already did?” Sky replied.
    I raised one eyebrow at her, which she knew was my trademark, “What?”
    “Ally! She came and found me. We had a big talk. She is the one that brought me here,” Sky told us.
    “Where is she now?” I asked, looking around trying to see her.
    “In the shower,” she told me and pointed to a doorway. “She sparred with this totally hot guy,  but she wasn’t knocked out or anything.”
    I smiled at her, then my eyes widened as I was watching the marks on her arm fade.
    “Cool, huh?” she said as she looked at what I was seeing.
    “How did your feed go, Nikkee?” Sky asked.
    Nikkee started telling her

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