The Perfect Woman

Free The Perfect Woman by Jesse Abundis

Book: The Perfect Woman by Jesse Abundis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jesse Abundis
this late,” or maybe it was life just catching up to him, seeing what he’d seen, been through the things he had been through, one had to wonder if that affected you. “ what’s bothering you?” His insomnia led him online searching for some random person to speak to, but he needed to find someone he could trust, he thought he'd never find that, especially online,  until one day he saw a  post on Craigslist with the title, “ Looking to make sense out of my life.“ He fought himself from answering, you never knew what could be waiting for you on the other side and apart of him knew he was better than this. “ Just talk to me, isn’t that why you called me?” But he needed someone to confine in, before this heavy weight on his chest ended him, and he found his relief through her.
                  “ I just wanted to hear your voice.” He always pressed his ear to the phone just to hear her talk, it was quite soothing.
                  “ So, you didn’t call to explore our fantasy.” He loved her laugh.
                  “ I’m sorry for calling you like this,” He apologized. “ it’s just been one of those days.”
                  “ I don’t mind breaking the rules.” He didn't know her name, she didn't know his. They were just two random strangers, sharing the things they could never tell a soul.
                  “ Do you think of me?” He asked like a nervous wreck.
                  “ I do, a lot.” He could feel her smile through the phone. “ Do you think of me?”
                  “ I do, oh, how I do.” He exhaled.
                  “ What's going on, you sound upset?” Her voiced radiated with concern for him.
                  “ It's just getting worst for me to find peace.” He shook his head, almost questioning his own mental state as he poured his bleeding heart out to this woman. “ There's times where I wonder if I'm really there at all.”
                  “ Tell me everything.”  He was a second away from it, but a late night call from Jeremy Harkness stopped it in it's tracks. He told her he would call her back, didn't give a reason why, but he told her to wait for his call later.
    * * * * *
    “ Sorry for calling you up, Lieutenant , but I thought you’d want to see  this. Follow me,” Klecko was greeted by his partner Sgt. Jeremy Harkness, a born New Yorker who had the old rough and tough teachings of an old school beat cop. He’d be the only one in the precinct to admit he wasn‘t a fan of Klecko, in fact he was downright piss to know the chain command passed on his promotion just to make room for the Boston icon, if Harkness wasn’t such a cop, he’d shoot Klecko in a dark alley and blame it on the gangs, just to retake what was stolen from him. But one of old school traits was ‘cops do as they are told, no room for whiny ass bitches.’
                  “ Whoever did this is one sick fucker.” Despite all the suppressed anger, Harkness wasn‘t one to undersell everything Klecko had accomplished, he was quiet fond of his legacy, he just wish he had carried his weight else where.
                  Deep inside Klecko shared the same resentment for Harkness. Mainly because Harkness was a creature of habit, everything he said and did was out of an old school text book. He couldn’t breathe or take a shit without discussing it with the manual, “ Page 36, when cops can take a dump?”
                  Klecko wasn't blind to all the angry colleagues, an outsider coming into their neck of the woods taking control, calling the shots, it didn’t sit well. A lot of them were hoping to see Harkness rise in the ranks, one of the home town boys. But when it came down to it, the higher up’s knew who was the better  choice, Klecko could think and see things that weren’t there, do the outside thinking a lot of

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