Mafia Stepbrother Boxed Set

Free Mafia Stepbrother Boxed Set by Jessi Talbot

Book: Mafia Stepbrother Boxed Set by Jessi Talbot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessi Talbot
too-hot skin… or maybe I should choose another way to put out that fire. After all, Cole did invite me to join him. It might be rude to refuse.
    I stood in the living room, looking around as if I had suddenly appeared somewhere I had never been before, as I heard the shower turn on. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. An image of Cole’s throbbing length immediately popped into my head. My eyes shot open.
    I needed to tell Cole what I did, not have sex with him. But I wanted him so damn bad. Just the thought of his hard cock had my nipples hard and my panties wet. I took a step towards the bedroom. This was wrong. I had done something terrible. Another step closer. The limo could be counted as an accident, a sudden over-whelming attack of lust. Another step. I reached up, my fingers tugging at the strap over my left shoulder, the tingly heat between my thighs begging for release. He would be in the shower now, rubbing soap over his muscular body. Was he thinking about me? Was his cock hard? I slid the strap off my other shoulder and tugged the dress down, letting it pool around my feet. I had to know.
    I stepped out of the dress and kicked off my shoes. My panties landed on the floor just a few feet from my dress. I walked, naked as the day I was born, into the bedroom, looking towards the bathroom. I could see a distorted view of Cole through the frosted glass of the shower. He hadn’t noticed me yet. There was still time to turn around. I shook my head. The time for turning back was gone as soon as we slid into the back of the limo. Maybe it was gone the moment I called him for help.
    I walked quietly into the bathroom, staring through the glass, watching his hands slide over his skin. I licked my lips, my throat suddenly dry. “Need help scrubbing your back?”
    No hesitation. No doubt. He knew what he wanted. So did I. I stepped around the glass partition and entered the shower. Cole stood under the showerhead, his back to me, water cascading down his body. Taking a deep breath, I walked up to him and reached around. He placed a bar of soap in my open hand. I rubbed the soap in my hands, building up a sudsy lather and then slowly, gently, as if I was scared he would break, began rubbing the soap across his back, tracing the outline of his muscles. He stood perfectly still as my fingers slid across his skin, my hands slowly sliding lower.
    A soft moan escaped my lips as my hands slid onto his ass, my fingers kneading the firm flesh. I wrapped my arms around him, stepping up against him, my breasts pressing against him, my hard nipples rubbing against him. One hand encountered something hot and hard, and I wrapped my fingers around his shaft as my other hand slid lower. A moan – the first sound he had made since I entered the shower – filled the air as I fondled his balls.
    As I gently fondled his heavy sac, I slid my hand back and forth across the full length of his shaft, holding the thick rod gently near the base and then tightening my grip as I slid towards the thick head. I placed a kiss between his shoulder blades, stroking him faster, when he placed his hand over mine. He turned towards me, holding my hand on his cock. I looked into his green eyes as he leaned down and kissed me, his tongue teasing mine, and then moaned into his mouth as he reached up and took an erect nipple between his fingers, squeezing it firmly. His other hand slid down between my legs, his fingers sliding up and down my wet slit. “Yes,” I gasped as his fingers found my hard clit, tracing circles around it. My legs trembled as Cole drove me closer to orgasm and then he suddenly spun me around and picked me up.
    Caught by surprise, I squealed as Cole carried me into the bedroom and dropped me on the bed. He quickly lowered himself to his knees, wrapped his arms around my thighs, and pulled me to him. “Oh fuck!” I gasped as his mouth met my sex, his tongue sliding between my folds, licking

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