Crazy for the Boss (Crazy in Love Book 1)

Free Crazy for the Boss (Crazy in Love Book 1) by Ashlee Mallory

Book: Crazy for the Boss (Crazy in Love Book 1) by Ashlee Mallory Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashlee Mallory
quantifiable number for insurance purposes? Wow. He must have been quite…adventurous.”
    “Okay, I knew I shouldn’t have said anything.”
    “I’m sorry. Please. Continue. What kind of man was Chuck the actuary?”
    She rearranged the fries on her plate with her fork, taking a moment to answer. “He was really quite…nice. Maybe not exactly adventurous, but then again, neither am I.”
    Maybe. Maybe not. James doubted she’d ever tried adventurous, and for some reason, the thought of showing her all the things out there she’d never tried…such as cliff diving in Costa Rica or traipsing through the Australian outback or just driving across the country in a convertible sounded…interesting.
    He cleared his throat. “And did you really like this guy, this Chuck?”
    She avoided meeting his eyes. “Of course. He was nice. Sweet. Good-looking in an understated way.”
    “Hardly a ringing endorsement,” he said dryly. “Maybe tell me about the last guy you went out with that you actually really cared about. That you were head-over-heels in love with.”
    She paused, as if remembering something, but quickly shook her head, meeting his gaze. “You know, if anyone needs their love life dissected around here, it’s you. I mean, really, James? How many women can you possibly date in one night? Wait, don’t answer that. Maybe the better question isn’t how many can you but how many should you date in one night? There is something to be said for quality over quantity.”
    “I’m sure you make a valid point, but I can’t think of any reason why getting to know as many beautiful women as I can is a bad thing. Sure, maybe some of them aren’t as cultured or as smart as the others…” He trailed off, enjoying the flash of anger in her eyes as her pupils dilated and her face reddened.
    Sometimes it was really just too easy.
    “James, your last date thought the Alamo was a country-western band. Maybe you could strive a little harder—” She paused as her cell phone chirped and she glanced down. “Shoot. I have a meeting with a couple managers in ten minutes to review some accommodation procedures.” She dropped her napkin on the table and shook the ice in her glass again, trying to get a last swallow.
    “You’re still going to tour those properties with me and the Blossom Brew group later this evening?”
    She was typing something on her phone, not yet looking up. “I can, but isn’t Dennis more than capable of answering any questions they may have?”
    “Answering them, I suppose. But since Dennis’s interest in finalizing this deal is questionable at best, I would prefer to have someone around that I can trust.”
    “I guess I can tell the girls I won’t be able to make it to the new Tina Fey movie after all. I don’t need a life outside of work, right?”
    “You have a life,” he countered. “Just last week I took you to the Seattle Mariners game. You had a hot dog, some nachos. And even laughed a time or two, if memory serves.”
    She didn’t appear amused by his quip, however. “I need a life outside of Thornhill Management. Outside of being your Girl Friday. Which reminds me, don’t forget that next month I’ll be taking a few days of vacation time.”
    Wait. She was going somewhere?
    “My parent’s thirtieth anniversary?” she explained. “Back home in Eureka, Idaho? Ring a bell?”
    “Yeah, yeah, of course.” Although he was almost certain she’d never mentioned this before.
    “I’ve already blown them off for Thanksgiving and Christmas. My sister will hire a hit man if I miss this.”
    “Don’t worry, I’m quite capable of holding down the fort until then. Besides, we should have this Blossom Brew deal finalized by then, and we’ll all be needing a little vacation.”
    She came to her feet. “Good. But I still have to run.”
    “You really have to leave? Can’t you reschedule? I just ordered us a chocolate soufflé.”
    “You can save me a bite.” She scooped her red

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