Cam Jansen and the Millionaire Mystery

Free Cam Jansen and the Millionaire Mystery by David A. Adler

Book: Cam Jansen and the Millionaire Mystery by David A. Adler Read Free Book Online
Authors: David A. Adler
    Published by the Penguin Group
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    1   3   5   7   9   10   8   6   4   2
    Text copyright © David Adler, 2012
    Illustrations copyright © Penguin Young Readers Group, 2012 All rights reserved
    Adler, David A.
    Cam Jansen and the millionaire mystery / by David A. Adler.
    p. cm.—(Cam Jansen; [32])
    Summary: Using her excellent memory, Cam Jansen, aided by her friend
    Eric, investigates the disappearance of Mrs. Scott’s valuable pearl
    necklace during a charity brunch.
    ISBN: 978-1-101-59287-8
    [1. Lost and found possessions—Fiction. 2. Stealing—Fiction.
    3. Memory—Fiction. 4. Mystery and detective stories.] I. Title.
    PZ7.A2615 Caaej 2011   [Fic]—dc23   2011039464
    Printed in China
    Set in ITC New Baskerville Std
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For my Young Aunt Judy
    Dedicated to the Cameron Park
Fire Department!
Awesome you are.

Cam Jansen
    and the

Chapter One
    “May I take your coats?” the man at the front door asked.
    “Will he give them back?” Eric Shelton whispered to his mother.
    “Yes. When we’re ready to leave, he’ll give them back.”
    The man was wearing a fancy black suit and small black bow tie.
    Eric and his mother gave the man their coats. So did Cam Jansen and her mother. They were at the apartment of Ellen and Aaron Scott for a charity brunch. The apartment was on the top two floors of one of the tallest buildings in the city.
    “Thank you for coming,” a woman in a fireman’s uniform told people as they entered the apartment. She smiled at Cam and Eric. She gave them each a red plastic fire hat.
    The brunch was to raise money for a new firehouse.
    Cam and Eric put on the hats. Then they all walked into a large dining room. On the table were trays of food.
    “Look at all the fish and salads,” Mrs. Shelton said.
    “Look at all the cake and cookies,” Eric said.

    A waiter gave them each a plate.
    “Fish and salad first,” Mrs. Jansen told Cam and Eric. “Cake and cookies later.”
    Cam and Eric put some food on their plates. While they were eating, an old woman in a long gray dress stood by the entrance to the room. She tapped on a large glass.
    Ting! Ting! Ting
    People in the room stopped eating and talking.
    “I’m Ellen Scott,” the woman announced. “Welcome to my home. Later, I hope you’ll come upstairs. There are more desserts there. Music will be played, and from our large windows, you’ll see beautiful views of—”
    Ellen Scott stopped talking. She was staring at Cam.
    “Are you that girl with the great memory?” she asked.
    “Yes,” Cam’s mother said.

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