All That and a Bag of Chips

Free All That and a Bag of Chips by Darrien Lee

Book: All That and a Bag of Chips by Darrien Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darrien Lee
her muscular legs. Her partner is who I wanna get with.”
    Craig shot the ball and said, “Chanelle? Yeah, she’s fine too. Venice told me Chanelle was a majorette or something in high school. But she has a man.”
    Skeeter asked, “Why don’t you hook me up?”
    â€œI’m not going to do that to Chanelle. You already have too many women fighting over your trifling ass now.”
    They laughed together and continued to play ball. Skeeter was very handsome. He was extremely muscular with skin as brown as chocolate ice cream. He had a bald head and a smile which voodoo’d the ladies every time. He also had an obnoxious quality about him, which was usually a turn off.
    Back on the band field , the girls continued to enjoy the music and watch as the band director was giving the members instructions on the routine they were about to do. Venice and Chanelle decided to walk around the field and get a better seat.
    The majorette coordinator ran over and asked, “Are you girls interested in going out for majorette? I have a couple of spots open.”
    Venice and Chanelle both answered, “Maybe next year.”
    The director asked, “Are you sure, because you two ladies have what I’m looking for.”
    Chanelle asked, “And what would that be?”
    He smiled and said, “Ladies, you both have back.”
    They thanked him and said, “Maybe we’ll see you next year.”
    He thanked them anyway and returned to the majorettes on the field. The flag girls were off to the side rotating their flags as the majorettes started doing stretching exercises for their funky moves. The band members went to their respective positions and waited for the band director to direct their first song. The girls found a spot on a small hill looking down on the band field to watch their formations. The band began to play a song, which sounded so good. They continued to play until the director stopped them and they practiced the song again. As the band was playing, a small crowd began to gather. This was typical because most of the time the students came to watch their friends practice the dance routines and new songs for the year. As the girls sat, several guys came over to try and get their phone numbers. Most of the time, the girls exchanged laughter with them and seemed to be having a great time. As the hours wore on, the girls realized they were hungry and decided to walk to a nearby sandwich shop.
    As they stood up, getting ready to go, a truck pulled up, blowing the horn. They heard someone say, “Hey, girl, come over here!”
    Venice and Chanelle turned to see who was hollering. To their surprise, the guy was motioning for them to come over. They turned back around, trying to ignore the man. He honked his horn some more, then whistled loudly. “Hey, sexy, you in the red shirt!”
    Chanelle knew the guy was now talking about her.
    Venice said, “Chanelle, girl, you’re out here pulling.”
    Chanelle answered, “Sounds like a fool to me.”
    The guy parked his truck with the bed backed up to the practice field. He turned his music up a little loud, still trying to get their attention. The girls kept their backs to him. A few seconds later, Venice heard someone calling her, name, “Venice!”
    Chanelle and Venice looked at each other in shock and as they turned in the direction of the truck, Venice saw Craig leaning out the passenger side window. The girls were only a few feet from the parking lot.
    Venice said, “Come on, Chanelle.”
    They turned and walked toward the truck. Craig and Skeeter got out to greet them. Skeeter let the back of the truck down so that he and Craig could sit and watch the activities.
    When Venice and Chanelle reached them, Venice said, “Hey, Craig.”
    He smiled and gave her a hug. “I’ve been playing a little b-ball with my boy Skeeter. Venice, Chanelle, this is Skeeter. Skeeter, this is

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