Be My Hero

Free Be My Hero by Nell Dixon

Book: Be My Hero by Nell Dixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nell Dixon
sit down. Her pallor concerned him, and he felt certain that she’d been crying before she’d arrived at her home earlier. He hoped everything was all right. She’d mentioned an appointment, and from her reddened eyes, he could only guess it hadn’t been good news.
    He ordered two coffees and their food from the harassed-looking waitress behind the counter, then walked back to take his seat opposite Nathalie. “You look cold.” Without thinking, he reached across the table and took one of her hands in his. He felt, rather than saw, the faint tremor in her fingers.
    â€œI’ll warm up when the food gets here.”
    â€œYour hand is freezing.”
    She made no attempt to disengage herself from his grip. “You know what they say — cold hands and warm heart.” Yet her smile didn’t reach her eyes.
    Nathalie had always hidden her true feelings behind a wall of wisecracks and smart remarks. Although, as he thought a little more about it, Evan realised that wasn’t strictly true. Once she had been prepared to share her feelings and her heart with him. Six years ago, before he’d blown his opportunity.
    â€œWhat do you think of the properties?” He inclined his head toward the details spread out on the table in front of them.
    She studied the paperwork in front of her. He suspected she felt reluctant to meet his gaze. “They look nice, though that one looks as if it might need a lot of work. I take it you haven’t anything on the place Jerome has recommended?”
    The waitress arrived with their food, and Nathalie slipped her hand from his as they quickly cleared a place on the table for the plates and drinks.
    â€œEnjoy your meals.” The waitress hurried away.
    â€œThis looks nice.” Nathalie picked up her cutlery and surveyed her meal of salad and fish.
    â€œIt’s a little different from the Langstone Country Club.” Evan knew from Jerome that Nathalie could usually be found at all the smart places, so he’d been nervous about bringing her to a small tearoom on the edge of town.
    â€œYou know me. If the company is good, then I’m happy anywhere,” she joked.
    â€œI take it you’re paying me a compliment?” He watched a rosy blush creep over her cheeks as she realised what she’d said.
    â€œMaybe.” Her tone sounded noncommittal. She began to eat her fish.
    â€œThat’s a shame.”
    She glanced at him as her cheeks bloomed pinker, then looked back down at her plate again. “Which property do you prefer?”
    She’d steered the conversation back onto neutral territory. Maybe that wasn’t a bad thing. Being with Nathalie stirred all the feelings he’d had for her before. He longed to recapture those emotions, but she had been so cool toward him he doubted it was possible.
    He followed Nathalie’s lead for the time being. “The stone-built house with the land looks as if it might be a possibility. It’s a shame there’s no photograph with that one. I might be able to grant Polly her wish of a pony.” Maybe if they could start chatting like they used to, he could break through the wall she’d built around her heart.
    Evan longed to know where she’d been earlier, what had happened to make her cry. He had to regain the trust between them, but how? If he asked too many questions like he had the other day, she would just close off from him.
    â€œEvan, could you pass me the tartare sauce, please?” She looked puzzled, and he realised she must have asked him the same question more than once.
    â€œSorry.” He passed the sauceboat across and watched her spoon a generous dollop onto her plate.
    â€œYou were miles away.” She put the spoon back in the sauceboat.
    â€œSorry.” He placed his cutlery on his plate and picked up his coffee. “I seem to be apologising a lot lately.”
    The wariness was back in her eyes, and her shoulders

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