Forget Me Never

Free Forget Me Never by M J Rutter

Book: Forget Me Never by M J Rutter Read Free Book Online
Authors: M J Rutter
                  “Okay.” I smiled and hung up the phone. I gazed at my reflection, my hair was a fuzzy mess, but my eyes looked alive, wild and smouldering, Alec had put a spark back into them and it made me smile both on the inside and out.
    When I returned to the bed, he was lying with the light above the bed on, his hands tucked behind his head and his amazing tweaked chest, baring all. I smiled sheepishly and placed the phone back on the cabinet beside the bed.
                  “Saffron is quite a character, isn’t she?” he remarked.
                  “She is insufferable at times, be she is my best friend,” I nodded and sat on the bed beside him.
                  “I know, she told me that.”
                  “What else did she say?” I asked almost not wanting to hear.
                  “Things I already know, like how wonderful you are and how badly you were hurt before.” He reached over and took hold of my hand. “I want you to know that I will never hurt you, Grace. I am not Kevin and by what I have learned of the fella, I don’t ever want to be.”
                  “You are nothing like him, Alec.”
                  “Good, because right now, all I want is to be with you. I don’t know if what we have is love yet, but I do know how I feel and I honestly don’t think I have ever felt this way about anyone before. I want this to last forever and I really don’t want to return to England and never see you again. So, as I have just told your friend, I have fallen for you, Grace Matthews. You have given me more in a few days than I could have ever hoped for and to think it all started over some scrambled eggs.” He smiled and kissed the back of my hand.
                  “So, are you asking me out?” I asked hopeful.
                  “That’s so retro,” he grinned. “Yes, Grace, please be my girlfriend, my significant other, please be my everything.” I leaned toward him and kissed him tenderly.
                  “Okay,” I smiled as I pulled back from his lips. He pulled me closer to him and my breast, peeping out from the shirt pressed against his chest.
                  “You look insanely hot in that shirt,” he said between kisses. “It is a shame I have run out of condoms.”
                  “That is a shame,” I agreed. “But, I am a modern girl, I was also single for a while and all good, single, modern girls carry condoms in their bags these days, didn’t you know that?” I asked and climbed from his body. I lifted my bag and unzipped the inside pocket. I pulled out a whole new pack, “So,” I smiled and handed them to him, “I am not sure what the expiry date is, so we had better not waste any more time.” I pushed off my shirt and climbed onto the bed once more.

    I opened my eyes and smiled, what an incredible night. The sun shone in golden rays through the cracks in the curtains over the window. I turned over to find an empty pillow beside me, I thought that maybe he was in the shower, but I couldn’t hear any water running. I sat up clutching the sheet over my body and climbed out of bed. His clothes were gone and so was his shoes. I pushed the bathroom door open and nothing, he was nowhere to be seen.
                  Panic filtered through me as I used the loo and took a shower. if he had left then fine, I had that one night, that amazing, earth moving night that would live with me forever. I told myself not to get upset, there could be a thousand explanations as to why he left me in bed.
    With a towel wrapped around my body and one wrapped around my hair, I opened the bathroom door. Alec was opening the lid to a cup of coffee, he smiled warmly.
                  “I wanted to surprise you,” he said as he approached me. I must have looked upset, “What’s

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