Coming Undone

Free Coming Undone by Staci Stallings

Book: Coming Undone by Staci Stallings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Staci Stallings
isn’t a bad time. What can I help you with?”
    He swallowed, feeling the decision in his heart but not being able to get it to his voice. “I was wondering if maybe I could come down and take a look at one of the rooms.” It was as good an excuse as any to delay the decision.
    “ Oh, of course. Certainly.” She sniffed twice in quick succession. “Are you…” The pause was a mere second, but he heard it just the same. “Upstairs?”
    “ Uh, yeah.” He looked around the waiting room to make sure. “I can just come down if that’s okay.”
    “ Sure. Of course it’s okay. I’ll…” She sniffed again. “…see you in a few at the main doors.”
    “ Okay.” Ben hung up and dropped the phone to look at it. That was strange, and if he wasn’t so very unsure of his own stability, he might even be inclined to question hers. But as it was, he was in no position to question anything about anyone. So he stood and headed on the long walk to the little building just off-set from the hospital.
    “ Are you sure you’re okay?” Misty asked, her voice filled with overwhelming concern. “I can call Yvonne.”
    “ No. Don’t be silly. This is my job.” Kathryn ran the tissue under her eyes once more as she looked into the mirror. The grief was etched there, but maybe she could fake alive and happy enough to get through this. “I’ll be fine.” She turned from the mirror knowing she could do no more. “Seriously. I’m fine. You, however, better get back out there. I don’t want you getting into trouble.”
    Misty frowned but knew as well as Kathryn there wasn’t much that could be done about the situation. “Okay.” She stepped over and gave Kathryn a hug, which Kathryn wasn’t sure helped at all seeing how it put another crack in the mask she was desperately trying to get back on. “But if you need me, you know where I am.”
    Quickly Kathryn nodded but ducked her head lest Misty see and know how badly her heart hurt. “I’m fine. Go on.” She pulled her shoulders back and stretched her neck side to side. “I’d better get too. Mr. Warren will be at the doors in no time.”
    “ Ooh, Mr. Warren. He’s cu-ute.” Misty stretched the word out to two syllables.
    “ Stop it.” Kathryn whacked her on the shoulder. “He’s a client who’s going through a really rough time right now.”
    Shrugging, Misty opened the door. “Doesn’t mean he can’t be cute.”
    Kathryn widened her eyes in warning at her friend as they walked down the hall, where from the entrance, crossing to the empty nurse’s desk stepped Mr. Warren. He was more than cute. He was downright handsome. She whipped those thoughts from her brain in horror. What was she thinking? It must be the emotions of the morning. She snapped professional back over her and walked right up to him as he turned on their approach. “Mr. Warren.”
    “ Uh, Ben,” he reminded her as he shook her hand.
    Her alert system blared to life at that touch, and stunned by it, she forced herself to smile and remember the situation. He was going through enough. He certainly didn’t need the hospice social worker mooning over him. “Ben,” she said softly, hoping it wasn’t too soft. What was wrong with her?
    She tipped her head, fighting to get herself back under control. “You mentioned wanting to see a room?”
    “ Y-yes.” He glanced over at Misty. “I did.”
    Holding out her hand to indicate the lobby, Kathryn smiled. “Please.”
    Side-by-side they walked the ten steps to the lobby, which looked more like a vastly over-sized living room and which owing to the early morning hour was empty but for them.
    “ Has there been any change in your father’s condition?” Kathryn anchored her arms over her chest, hoping she wasn’t hopelessly wrinkling her soft white shirt.
    “ No.” His gaze swung over to hers, and seas of deep blue-green washed over her. “Things are still pretty much the same.”
    She nodded, forcing herself not to look

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