Lyon's Way

Free Lyon's Way by Jordan Silver

Book: Lyon's Way by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
    Who would've thought that sneaking out to get a sandwich could
cause this much trouble? Colton is gonna be so pissed when he gets back to the
office and finds me gone, I'll probably never hear the end of this. I have no
doubt that he'll come and get me, you see that's one of the things he always
promises whenever I have one of my flashbacks or I wake up screaming, clutched
in a nightmare from the night of the attack. He'd wrap me up tight in his arms
and in his gruff no nonsense voice he'd swear that he'd always find me no
matter what.
    We were stopped and my heart picked up speed again, with my hands
tied behind my back as they were there wasn't much I could do, I'd spent the
mad drive to wherever this was fighting to hold on and not give in to the need to
escape in my head. All the things Colt and been teaching me in the last few
months played through my head over and over as I tried to stay calm. It wasn't
    "Where are we, why did
you bring me here?"
    "I told you to shut the fuck up." He rubbed his hands
roughly through his hair as he sat behind the wheel; his eyes when he glanced
back at me were wild and unfocused. He had a few days growth of facial hair,
there was spittle at the corners of his mouth, and his clothes looked like he'd
slept in them.
climbed out and came around to pull me out of the back of the car by my bound
wrists, my knees threatened to buckle and I needed to throw up. All I could do
was keep repeating over and over in my head 'hurry Colton hurry'. I didn't know
what this James person had in mind and as he dragged me into the house that I
assumed was his a wave of dizziness hit me as I fought back the tears that
wanted to escape.
    Now was not the time for
crying I needed to stay focused and think of something to get out of this.
    "Colton's gonna come looking for me."
    "No he won't no one saw me, how would he know?"
    Hadn't he seen CyCy running towards us?
be quiet and let me think."
    He dragged me through the house to the back; I didn't even have
time to notice anything about my surroundings other than that it was kinda big
and needed cleaning. When we reached a bedroom the fear threatened to overpower
me once more and my knees did give out on me that time. He pulled me back up
roughly and threw me down across the bed while he mumbled to himself. My
clothes were being ripped away roughly but my hands behind my back proved to be
a hindrance. It didn't make sense to use my feet I needed to get my bearings
and plan my form of attack.
    I was ready when he released
me, my nails going straight for the side of his face.
    "You bitch." He slapped me across the face but it wasn't
hard enough to do much damage just enough to stun.
    "You try anything like that again and I'll cut away little
pieces of you to send to your boyfriend."
    Bile rose in my throat as he roughly maneuvered my body on the
bed, I hated having him touch me, look at me. Please Colton please hurry.

    I was spread out on the bed
in just my camisole and underwear, my arms, and legs tied to the bed posts. I
had a really bad moment when he stared at my body and my gorge rose when he
reached out to run has finger down my thigh.
please, please, please. Is it strange that all I could think of in that moment
was what would Colton do if I was raped? The thought made me want to curl into
a ball and die.
    James left the room, I could hear him talking but wasn't sure if
he'd called someone or if he'd completely lost it and was arguing with himself.
I tried tugging at my restraints but he must've been a boy scout because there
was no give. He'd stuffed a gag in my mouth before he'd left which wasn't the
most comfortable thing. It made it harder to breathe for one and lying on your
back with something stuffed into your mouth felt like you would choke on your
own saliva.
    Think Kat, think, think, I
couldn't seem to hold a thought, my mind ran in a million different directions;
I thought of my mom, my dad; all my new friends

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