and after several adjustments to her meds, Kaila was released into her world again.
The truth is this, there is no truth. No world where every wish is fulfilled and magically you are done, satisfied, where all the happiness that you so desired and believed attached to this dream is immediately realized. True peace and bliss cannot be achieved at the flick of a switch, the push of a button, it is not the treasure at the end of a rainbow. I am sorry to have to tell you this dear readers, but I feel it is my given task to guide you through the realities that few like to see. That even though we may strive for perfection, work until our fingers are raw, our clothes tattered, and all that is us has been given to the cause that is called the goal of our life, this may indeed not bring the happiness that you had imagined. Oh I hear your heart cracking in the center at this reality, at this information that you may feel you are better away from, because isn’t it in the power of our dreams that we find purpose, we find hope. Because if what I am telling you is true then why continue to push through, why struggle each day at a job that you feel sucks your very life force from your being? For if this is true and there is no greater plan, why bother?
I understand your sadness and I commiserate with it, but before you shed another tear we must have another conversation. I pray that you will hear me, really hear me, for what I have to say may very well change your reality and bring you the clarity that you have always wanted.
If happiness is not an assured destination with the manifestation of our deepest desire, then why stay in the place that is your life?
Because my dear reader, in that life that you have lived, a voice has been heard, a hand has been held, a story has been told. And maybe you cannot see that truth beyond the thinness of your wallet or the tattered clothes you must endure. Maybe you cannot see that truth beyond the house that is not your home, the souls who do not see the true you, but I must ask you this, is it true, can you indeed say that in all the days your feet have traveled this path on the planet Earth, that you have never touched a being, provided comfort, listened, given a kind word, opened your purse and passed a coin to a person. Given away happiness, and in doing so, felt that happiness returned.
There is so much need and there is so much that we can give, but to assume that without that beautiful abode you are nothing, your life is less, than that is pure folly. I Trillian, am here to tell you that nothing is insignificant, you are not insignificant and that you too, great or small are a cog in the wheel of life, you my lady or sir are a magician because who other than a magician might put a smile on another’s face, create life in an act of love or sex. It matters not if your greatest deed is that you woke up this fine a.m., with the sun bearing down on your beautiful face and spoke the words I AM ALIVE, then that is enough, the world will breathe a sigh that will be heard across the galaxy because we are one, we are all one and in our oneness we are never alone, no kindness is in vain. Happiness is all around us for the taking, and is never in just one moment, it is spread and scattered throughout our journey, there for us to see if we so desire. This very day you are here with me, have read my words, are present in this moment of life, there is a smile waiting to curve your lips, and so much mirth to be found, even if just for the blink of an eye, it is there, and that my lady or sir, is enough.
Kaila typed the last word of her blog entry, but oddly didn’t feel the exhilaration that she normally did when she had the luxury of completing a thought. As strange as it felt to her, she longed for the interruption that she had grown accustomed to, she longed for Norm. And in the quiet that enclosed her she felt the loss as if it were a physical reality, as if someone