Rolling in the Deep: Hawaiian Heroes, Book 2

Free Rolling in the Deep: Hawaiian Heroes, Book 2 by Cathryn Cade

Book: Rolling in the Deep: Hawaiian Heroes, Book 2 by Cathryn Cade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Cade
war canoe, floating just offshore, clad in a fancy feather cape and headdress and a breechclout. The dress of a war chief—she’d seen them in the beautiful paintings in the hotel lobby.
    He looked her over, his jet eyes insolent. In the manner of dreams, she suddenly realized she was nearly nude, clad only in a brief sarong of some soft cloth. Her breasts, shoulders and belly were bared to his gaze. She could feel his gaze as if he touched her with his big, hard hands.
    He lifted one hand and beckoned her imperiously. Equal parts anger and arousal warred inside her. Her breasts tightened, her nipples hardening to tight peaks, and heat twined low in her belly.
    Against her will, she found herself walking down the beach to him, water lapping around her ankles. He gestured again, a flick of his hand toward her sarong. It was clear he meant her to take it off for him.
    That was too much. She shook her head angrily. He merely smiled, a knowing quirk of his wide, sensual mouth, and Claire found her hands moving to unfasten the sarong, so aroused and so angry she felt as if she might burst into flames.
    Her own cry woke her. She opened her eyes with a gasp and found that she was twisted in the sheets and her thin tank top, perspiring. And turned on.
    Bella stirred in the other bed and then subsided with a sigh, her breathing once again even and shallow.
    Claire rolled onto her back, moving sinuously. She bit back a groan of frustration. Damn him—she ached with arousal, her pussy swollen and needy. Squeezing her thighs together, she slipped her fingers into her bikini panties, touching her wetness. Stroking her arousal up over her clitoris, she circled it delicately. As exquisite pleasure bloomed, she saw Daniel Ho’omalu as he’d been in her dream, watching her touch herself. She came hard and fast, shuddering silently.
    She flopped back onto her pillow, her body relaxed but her mind full of turmoil. What was happening to her?
    She’d been attracted to other guys, but never like this, and she’d certainly never dreamed about them, especially clothed in such barbaric splendor. He’d looked so…right.
    And she wanted him more than ever.

Chapter Five
    Thursday, June 13 th
    After their dress fittings the next morning, Grace took Claire and Bella shopping. Claire demurred, but Grace gave her a chiding look. “Honey, you know I can afford it. I want to do something nice for my girls.”
    Giving in with a smile, Claire hugged her. As they set off in the soft morning, she was charmed by the little open-air shops along the Kona Town walking mall, their wares hanging in both doors and windows. The tile walkways were uneven, sloping to storm drains set every few feet. Claire nearly tripped more than once as she gawked at sundresses, bikinis and jewelry.
    At the first shop, she looked at a one-piece swimsuit. Grace, her reddish brows drawing together in displeasure, reached over and pulled a bikini off the rack beside her.
    “This is what the girls wear on the beach here.”
    Although she was taken aback by the briefness of the triangles of blue-and-green batik, Claire took the hanger. When she stepped out of the minute changing room a few moments later, her face and chest were hot with embarrassment. The tiny suit did little more than showcase her full breasts and hips, although it made her legs look even longer.
    To her shock, Grace nodded. “Now that’s more like it.”
    “I can’t wear this in public!” Claire protested.
    “Why not?” The slender Asian clerk joined Grace, her head tilted to one side. She was beaming too.
    “It—it shows everything,” Claire sputtered. “I’m too big to wear a bikini. I only put it on to make a point—”
    “Omigod,” Bella enthused, coming out of her own dressing room in a brief red bikini that highlighted her slender frame. “Claire, look at you.”
    When Claire turned a fulminating look on her, Bella widened her eyes innocently. “What? So it’s sexy. This is Hawaii,

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