When It All Falls Apart (Book One)

Free When It All Falls Apart (Book One) by Lucinda Berry

Book: When It All Falls Apart (Book One) by Lucinda Berry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucinda Berry
genetics team works with all types of rare disorders and I’m certain we’re going to find an answer. I understand how hard this must be for you to hear.”
    “But she’s going to make it, right? Right?” I asked. My voice sounded hollow like it wasn’t my own.
    “We can’t say. Your daughter is very sick. I have to be honest with you. There’s a chance she might not make it through this. Kidney failure can be fatal.”
    David looked as if someone had punched him in the stomach. I grabbed a chair and pulled it over to him. “Sit down,” I said. I was afraid he might fall over if he didn’t. I stood behind him and placed my hands on his shoulders to steady him as he hunched over putting his head in his hands.
    Now was the time for me to freak out, but I still felt nothing. Dr. Koven had just told me my daughter was suffering from a medical problem that had the potential to kill her and I was completely numb. Maybe I was in shock. People responded to bad news differently all the time. I was sure any minute the emotional impact of the news would hit me. It had to. Until then, my job was to be there for David and Rori.
    “What’s the plan?” I asked. My brain automatically shifted into project management mode from all of my years in operations.
    “This morning we’re going to begin getting her ready for dialysis. The first step is a very minor surgery where we open her veins up so we’re able to insert the dialysis needle. Like I said, it’s very minor so she won’t go under or anything. We’ll sedate her heavily and numb the area so she doesn’t feel it. The procedure only takes a few minutes. Then, once the opening is in place, we’ll begin dialysis. I want to begin it as soon as possible. Hopefully, by this afternoon she’ll be going through her first round.” Dr. Koven explained.
    “And the geneticists will be here shortly?” I asked.
    “I’ll bring them in once they’re all here. They’ll extensively review all of her charts and the blood work she’s had done. They’ll want to examine her as well. They’ll take a detailed family history from the two of you. It’s important that the two of you try to think of any family members both within your immediate and extended family who may have gotten sick, especially anyone you know who may have died in early childhood.”
    I felt David’s quick intake of breath when she said the word “died.” He’d been right all along. This was serious.

Chapter Seven
    R ori woke up as they were wheeling her down the hallway for the surgery to prep her for dialysis. “Mommy, I want Puppy,” she cried. “Where’s Puppy?”
    I wanted to kick myself. How did I forget to grab Puppy? Puppy was the pink stuffed animal she’d slept with since she was a baby. I’d forgotten the most important thing when I’d gone home to get our stuff last night. David never would’ve forgotten it.
    “Oh honey, mommy’s so sorry. I forgot to get her last night. I’ll get her today for you, okay? I promise.”
    She started to cry, but without any tears. Her face crinkled up as it always did and her mouth turned down, but the tears that would normally wet her face were absent.
    “I want Puppy,” she sobbed. “I want Puppy!”
    “Celeste, why don’t you go get it for her?” David asked.
    “But what about her surgery?”
    “You heard Dr. Koven, it’s only going to be minor. I think it’s important to get her. It’ll make her feel so much better if Puppy is here when she wakes up.”
    Rori looked up at me expectantly. Her eyes matched her yellow skin.
    Sure, I guess I could. But I wanted to be here for her surgery.” I said, turning to look at David. “Why don’t you go? It might do you good to get some fresh air.”
    “I suppose I could go if you wanted me to.” He reached down to brush Rori’s hair out of her face. “Rori, honey, daddy is going to go home and get Puppy. Mommy’s going to stay with you while the doctors get you ready for your medicine. By

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