Hurricane Watch - DK2

Free Hurricane Watch - DK2 by Melissa Good

Book: Hurricane Watch - DK2 by Melissa Good Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Good
Tags: Romance, Lesbian
    ”Hard to say.” she answered, after she swallowed. ”How’s your pasta?”
    Kerry leaned over and kissed her gently. ”Taste for yourself.” She teased, then offered Dar a forkful.
    ”Uh uh.” Dar evaded the fork and went for the source, running her tongue over Kerry’s lips before she returned the kiss, putting her almost finished container down on the coffee table and freeing up her hands to stroke Kerry’s face, then travel down her shoulders. ”Oh yeah, I like that.”
    ”Me too.” Kerry put her own dish down, and turned her attention fully to her companion’s body, which her hands were itching to feel. She loved the silky texture of Dar’s skin, and her fingers slid beneath the cotton t-shirt eagerly as they spent a leisurely few minutes exploring each other.
    She nuzzled Dar’s neck and tucked a playful touch under the waistband of her jeans, feeling the muscles contract giving her easy passage. ”Wanna give ‘In Search of Ancient Mysteries’ a miss?” she Hurricane Watch
    inquired softly.
    “This qualifies, doesn't it?” Dar replied with a chuckle, as she teased a shirt button loose.
    ”Who you calling ancient?” Kerry bit down on a tasty earlobe, feeling the laugh travel through Dar’s body. ”Hmm?” She tickled Dar’s belly button, an area she’d discovered was very sensitive. ”C’mon, I hear a nice, warm waterbed whispering my name.” She nipped the soft skin on Dar’s neck, then glanced up. ”Hey!”
    Dar reacted, her body shifting as she straightened up. ”What in...oh.” A soft laugh. ”Chino, what do you think you're doing?”
    The puppy was busted, tiny paws propped up on the low table, face covered in bolognaise sauce, wide brown eyes fastened on them in a big, canine ”uh oh.” A thin strand of spaghetti drooped from her mouth, and the pink tongue licked at it.
    ”Bad puppy!” Kerry scolded her sternly, getting a tail wag. ”No, don’t wag your little butt at me. Bad girl!”
    The small, creamy ears drooped and she dropped off the table, sitting down and looking up at them through dark eyelashes. The effect was ruined by a satisfied lip lick, however. Both women laughed. ”Oh, it’s not funny.” Dar sighed. ”But I can’t help it; look at that puss.”
    ”Yeah, she’s got a better pout than you do.” Kerry replied with a faint giggle.
    Both dark eyebrows lifted. ”I most certainly do not have a pout,”
    Dar stated sternly.
    Kerry traced the warm, coral colored lips with a delicate finger.
    ”Yes you do. When you want something you know is bad for you,” she teased gently. ”Like that cake I made for your birthday.” The lips edged in a sheepish grin. ”See?” She laughed. ”I love that smile.”
    ”Does that mean I get the cake?” Dar asked ingeniously. She reached down and tickled Chino’s ears, and the puppy stumbled over, putting her paws up on the edge of the couch and licking Kerry’s arm.
    ”I bet you’d like some too, hmm?”
    ”No no no. No chocolate for her.” Kerry rubbed the silky ears. ”I’m glad Colleen agreed to come puppy sit. I’d feel really bad leaving her here with just the island people dropping in once in a while.” She flicked a glance to Dar. ”That is okay, right?”
    ”Mm hmm,” Dar agreed. ”That works. I was going to see if Clemente could have someone hang out in here, but Colleen's a better choice, even if I do think she’s still a little unsure about me.” She tugged lightly on a lock of Kerry’s hair.
    Kerry sighed. ”It's...she just worries about me, that’s all. She thinks it’s great we’re together, but the work thing weirds her out,” She admitted, slowly. ”And it is sort of weird. I feel like I’m two different people sometimes.”
    ”Mm, yeah, me too.” Dar agreed.
    ”And I feel so...” Kerry pushed a lock of Dar's hair back. “I get 40
    Melissa Good
    upset when you get so stressed, like when you were yelling at everyone at the meeting today. My guts hurt me,” she

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