Remember Me - Regency Brides 03

Free Remember Me - Regency Brides 03 by Kimberley Comeaux

Book: Remember Me - Regency Brides 03 by Kimberley Comeaux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberley Comeaux
Tags: Book 3 of Regency Brides
popped into his head, and North spoke it without realizing what he was saying. "Of course! I remember you like to read gothic romance novels; am I correct?"
    The moment those words were out, they both froze-staring at one another in unbelief. "How do you know that?" she final y asked, her voice sounding almost fearful. North shook his head in wonderment. "I don't know. The information just appeared in my mind like a memory normal y does."
    "Wel , do you remember anything else?"
    North closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on the memory he just had but could remember nothing else. He opened his eyes and sighed. ' Absolutely nothing."
    Helen looked at him with sympathy. "I'm sorry, North. I'm sure more memories wil come to you. Perhaps if you try not to think about it so much, you wil one day remember everything."
    "I suppose you're right," he readily agreed. It just felt so good for that tiny moment to have a true memory of something. It was like God giving him a smal gift to get him through the day.
    "What's that in your hand?" Helen prompted as she spied the satchel he had taken from his shoulder.
    ' Ah yes." He'd almost forgotten his reason for being here. "I've come to ask for your help with my sermon." He dipped his hand into the satchel and brought out
    ,his papers. "Since I can't remember preaching or even hearing a sermon, I don t have the first idea how to go about constructing one."
    He watched as Helen smiled prettily and crossed her arms in front of her in a motion of confidence. "Wel , Reverend, you've come to the right person!"

Chapter 7
    Helen glanced back and forth between the two men nervously; and if she were pressed to describe their first reaction to one another, it would most definitely be hostile. Even that would be an understatement.
    As soon as the words had left North's mouth, Helen feared Sam would surely take offense. And if his ,flaring nostrils and narrowed, angry eyes were any indication, Helen knew she was right in her assumption.
    Realizing she would have to try and unruffle the Indian's feathers, so to speak, she began to walk toward him. Helen had only taken two steps when she was suddenly jerked back by North and pul ed to his side.
    "What are you doing? That is a savage!" North barked, sounding as though he were horrified at even being in Sam's presence.
    Knowing how Sam usual y liked to play up to people's stereotypical thinking that al Indians were uneducated, barbaric, and dangerous, Helen knew he was probably already thinking of what to do to shock. North even more.
    "But, North, he's ..."
    "They've been known to scalp a fel ow before he could even let out a scream," he stressed in a low voice, al the while keeping his eye on Sam. "They also like to take white women back to their camps and use them as their slaves."
    Helen stopped short of rol ing her eyes. "You know this, but you can't remember your own name," she whispered back with exasperation. Then In a louder voice,
    "North, if you'l just let me intro -"
    'Why don't we start walking toward the house very slowly? Perhaps he'l leave us alone." He started to pul her to walk around Sam, when the Indian suddenly pul ed out the long knife that had been strapped to his hip and then made a show of examining his blade, flashing the metal against the sunlight.
    Helen noticed North appeared to be growing more apprehensive by the minute.
    "All right, you've had your fun, Sam. Now put the knife away, she cal ed out. Sam scowled at her. "But I haven't even shown him my frightening war cry," he complained. North looked at her with disbelief. "You know him?" Helen's arm was starting to hurt as North unconsciously kept tightening his grip. "If I vow with al sincerity that he wil not scalp us, wil you let go of my arm?" North immediately let go, his face matching the apology he offered her. "Please accept my forgiveness; I did not realize..."
    "Are you hurting my woman?" Sam roared angrily, as he stomped over to where they were standing.

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