Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues)

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Book: Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues) by La'Tonya West Read Free Book Online
Authors: La'Tonya West
carrying a white bag in his hand. The smell of food emitted from the bag and invaded my nostrils. “Nelle, told me to bring you this.” He said handing me the bag. “She was worried that you hadn’t eaten anything.”
                  I shook my head laughing as I took the bag. Nelle had been treating me like I was a little kid ever since I’d gotten home from the hospital. “Thank you but you didn’t have to do this. I could’ve made me a sandwich or something.” I told him. “I’m going to take this in the kitchen but you can have a seat in the living room if you want.”
                  “I guess, I could stay for a few minutes. I know that you must be bored to death sitting up in this house all day by yourself.” He laughed revealing a mouthful of perfect teeth. He had one of the sexiest smiles that I’d ever seen. “TV is alright but the same stuff comes on over and over and eventually you get tired of watching that too.”
                  “You have no idea.” I went on in the kitchen and he went in the living room. I placed the bag of food on the counter and got my soda out of the refrigerator before going to join Corey in the living room. He was sitting on the love seat. I took my seat back on the sofa, where I’d been before he’d came. “So why aren’t you at work?” I took a sip of my soda and then placed it on the end table that sat next to the sofa. I grabbed my pack of Newports and lit one.
                  “You know that I do roofing work. When it rains we don’t work. So they let me off early.” He answered leaning back and getting comfortable with his long legs stretched out in front of him.
                  “Oh okay. Do you like doing that?” I inquired.
                  “Yeah, I like being outdoors and I make good money. So yeah.” He nodded his head causing his shoulder length dreads to sway back and forth. He licked those full lips of his and traced his goat-tee with his fingers. Damn, Nelle is one lucky chic. I thought to myself. “Plus it’s a job.”
                  “Yeah, you’re right about that.” I agreed eyeing him in his work uniform. He had on a long-sleeved dark blue shirt with the company logo on it that clung to his body showing of the outline of his hard chest and muscular arms. He was also wearing a pair of dark blue Dickies and some work boots. I couldn’t help but wonder what he looked like beneath those clothes. I took a long pull of my cigarette and released the smoke through my nose. I needed something stronger than a cigarette. I realized that I hadn’t smoked a blunt in almost two weeks.
    “Do you have anything good with you?” I asked Corey.
    A grin formed on his lips. “Girl c’mon now. You know who you are talking to? Of course I got something good.” He got up from the loveseat. “I’ll be right back.” He went outside and returned with a blunt stuck between his lips. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a lighter and fired it up. He hit it twice and began coughing and then passed it to me.
    “You must’ve already had this rolled.” I said as I took the blunt from him and took a toke.
    “I always keep something rolled.” He was still coughing. By now he’d taken a seat on the couch next to me. “Nelle told me that you fucks with Tre now.” He eyed me waiting for my response.
    I took another toke of the blunt before passing it back to him. “We talk but I wouldn’t say that I fuck with him. I mean, he’s cool but I’m not on it like that.”
    “I feel you.”
    “After all that I have been through with Mello. I am taking some time for me to do the things that I want to do. To explore and experience new things.” I eyed him licking my lips.
    “Ain’t nothing wrong with that, you should. Not only that but you know how Tre gets down. I don’t have anything to do with your business but there is no need in investing too much of yourself into

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