Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues)

Free Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues) by La'Tonya West

Book: Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues) by La'Tonya West Read Free Book Online
Authors: La'Tonya West
and some of the soreness had even gone away but I still had a ways to go. Nelle and Mia were holding things down at the salon for me and I appreciated it a lot. Nelle, Corey, Mia, Ron, Tremaine and my mama had all been keeping a check on me, calling every other hour to see if I needed anything. I really did appreciate all of the love and concern that they’d been showing me. My mama had taken Simya home with her so that I wouldn’t have to be up and down chasing behind her. She was a handful and into everything. Sore as I was there was no way that I could run behind her even if I wanted to.
                  It was Thursday afternoon and I was lying back on the sofa bored. I’d been in the house since I’d come home from the hospital and it was driving me crazy. During the day was the worst because everyone was at work so that left me with no one to talk to. Tremaine didn’t go in until the evening time but he would be sleep in the mornings and then after he got up he would help Lala with the kids. At least that is what he’d told me. I’d been enjoying getting to know him. I’d found that the two of us had a lot in common. He was a nice guy but I wasn’t trying to get all wrapped up into him or anyone else for that matter at this point. Like I’d said before, I was only interested in having a little fun…doing me. I’d played the role of the good girlfriend, who stayed home and took care of her man for years and all it had gotten me was lots of heartache and pain. The abuse that I’d suffered at the hands of Mello had changed something in me. It had caused me to put up a wall, a wall that would be hard for the next man to tear down. I had no plans of allowing anyone else to get close to my heart. I was ready to be selfish now and only care about me and what made me happy. As bad as it may sound, I didn’t have time to worry about other people’s feelings.
                  My cell phone vibrated causing me to jump. I picked it up and pressed send. “Hello.”
                  “Hey sexy. I was just calling to check on you.” Tremaine said groggily into the phone. “How are you feeling?”
                  “I’m feeling fine. I’m still a little sore but other than that I’m fine.” I appreciated him taking out time to call and check on me. That was really nice of him. “You sound like you just woke up.”
                  “Yeah, I did.” He yawned. “My daughter woke me up, screaming to the top of her lungs. I guess she just missed her daddy because she’s lying here on my chest quiet as a mouse now.”
                  “Awww, isn’t that so sweet.” I giggled into the phone. He talked about his kids all of the time and I must admit that I was very impressed by that. “You are such a good dad.” I told him.
                  “Thank you, I try.” He replied. “You can lay on daddy’s chest later if you like. It made my daughter feel better. It might have the same effect on you.”
                  “Oh really?”
                  “Yep.” I knew that he was flirting and so I played along.
                  “I’m a big girl though and it may take more than laying on daddy’s chest to make me feel better.”
                  “Mmmm…well I think that I can provide whatever else that you might need to make you feel better.”
                  I was about to reply when the doorbell rang. “Tremaine, let me see who this is at my door and then I will call you right back.”
    “Okay, that’s cool.”
    I hung up and rose slowly to go see who it was. On my way to answer it, it rang again. “I’m coming.” I yelled. I reached the door and looked out through the peephole and saw Corey standing on the other side. I unlocked the door and opened it. “Hey come on in.” I noticed that it was raining.
                  “Hey.” He came inside

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