Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues)

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Book: Side Chic 3 (The Ratchetness Continues) by La'Tonya West Read Free Book Online
Authors: La'Tonya West
someone like him. He’s a player. Always have been.” He warned handing me the blunt back but I declined. He leaned forward and put it out in the ashtray.
    “I appreciate you being concerned but trust me there’s no need. I can handle Tremaine.” I giggled feeling the effects of the weed. I’d become relax and was feeling quite bold. “Can I ask you a question, just between you and me?”
    “Yeah sure but first can I have something to drink? My mouth is dry as fuck.”
    “You can go in the kitchen and get something if you want. Help yourself.” I told him.
    He started laughing. “Man, I don’t feel like getting up. Shit, I’m at yo’ crib. Where’s the hospitality?” He licked those full lips again. I hadn’t had any dick in over two months and the sight of him licking his lips sent electric currents throughout my body. I felt the area between my legs become drenched. I knew I was wrong for lusting after my cousin’s husband but Corey was one fine mothafucka and always had been. I’d been telling myself for years that I shouldn’t look at him the way that I did but I couldn’t help it. As fucked up as it may seem, Mello had been the main reason why I never tried anything with Corey. There had been a period in time where Corey wasn’t with Nelle, he was fucking with this white chic named Amy. That would’ve been the perfect time for me to make my move. It wasn’t like I wanted to be his woman, I just wanted to sample the goods but I knew that if I ever cheated on Mello, he would kill my ass. So I only watched from a distance, not only Corey but any other man that I found attractive. Cheating was not an option with Mello but now that he was gone I felt like a different woman. Like the shackles had finally been removed and I was free to do anything that I wanted and that included Corey.
    I looked at him looking like a chocolate god, as much as I wanted to be selfish and not give a damn about anyone’s feelings. I did care about Nelle. She’d always had my back no matter what and I knew that I would be dead ass wrong for fucking Corey behind her back. Why do I have to have a fuckin’ conscience? I wondered to myself.
    Corey was snapping his fingers in front of my face, which caused me to snap back to reality. “My bad, I was thinking about something.” I told him.
    “Yeah, I see. Are you going to get me something to drink before I die?” He asked.
    “Yeah…my bad.” I replied getting up. “What do you want? I have some soda, some Kool-Aid…”
    “Man, it don’t even matter. I don’t care what you bring me.”
                  I went into the kitchen and poured him a glass of Kool-Aid and brought it back to him. “Here you go.” I handed him the glass and then took my seat back where I’d been sitting before.
                  He drank half of the Kool-Aid before taking the glass from his mouth. “Damn that hit the spot.” He said taking another sip. “So what was it that you wanted to ask me?”
                  Nelle crossed my mind and I shook my head. “Nothing…it wasn’t important.”
                  “Are you sure?”
                  “Yeah, I’m sure.” My mouth was saying that I was sure but my pussy was screaming something totally different. I wasn’t sure of how long my conscience would win this battle but it had won this round.
    I sat on the other end of the sofa typing the last chapter of Confessions of a Side Chic 2 and trying to ignore Tre as he made plans to get together with his new little friend later on that evening. He’d been talking to this chic named Mina everyday on the phone for the past two weeks. I didn’t know her that well but I knew of her. I knew that she owned the hair salon in town and had a baby with this crazy nigga named Mello. I’d heard that Mello had flipped out and whooped her ass a few weeks before. I’d also heard that

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